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Keep the Record Going!

From Kingdom Hearts Database

"Keep the Record Going!" is a cutscene in Kingdom Hearts III.

Story[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Sora begins to walk across a record goer. Woody joins him after he nearly falls.

Woody: "Come on, Sora... You've never used a record player? Like this!"

Woody begins to run on the record player, and Sora begins to do so as well. The Musical Frogs begin to play.

Goofy: "It's workin'."

One of the frogs plays incorrectly.

Buzz: "Wait, did that sound off to you?"

Donald: "It did."

Goofy: "Sora! There's some kinda strange noise comin' from the orchestra!"

Sora: "Got it! Woody, you keep the record going."

Sora jumps off the record player.

Woody: "Whoa-- Whoa-- Whoa!"

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