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Aerial Slam

From Kingdom Hearts Database

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[edit | edit source]

"Press the Triangle button at the right time to knock enemies into the air and then smack them back down."
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Young Xehanort KHIII.png
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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Shimmering Crystal KHBBS.png
Fleeting Crystal KHBBS.png
Power Crystal KHII.png
Energy Crystal KHII.png
Bright Crystal KHII.png
Serenity Crystal KHII.png
Abounding Crystal KHBBS.png
Terra/Ventus/Aqua Aero (LV3)
Fire Surge (LV3)
Fire Screen Attack Haste Leaf Bracer Combo Plus HP Boost HP Prize Plus Link Prize Plus
Terra/Ventus/Aqua [1] Aerora (LV3)
Fire Strike (LV3)
Fire Screen Attack Haste Finish Boost Combo Plus HP Boost HP Prize Plus Link Prize Plus
Terra/Ventus/Aqua High Jump (LV3)
Fire Dash (LV3)
Fire Boost Magic Haste Leaf Bracer Air Combo Plus HP Boost HP Prize Plus Link Prize Plus

Notes and References[edit | edit source]

  1. Has a 10% chance of transforming into Ars Arcanum. (Ventus only)
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