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Forum:Project Void Gear

From Kingdom Hearts Database
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Forums: Forums > Merlin's House > Project Void Gear
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Last Revision: 2019 February 26 22:53 UTC

Project Void Gear is a project aimed at covering all the enemies found throughout the Kingdom Hearts series. The goal of this project is for there to be an article for each enemy in the series.

Our first and main task is to cover all the enemies found in Kingdom Hearts III, after which we will go back and cover the enemies found in the other titles.

Per the Manual of Style, enemy articles should be written as followed:

  • Introduction: A brief introduction of the enemy.
  • Story: If applicable, a summary of any story events in which the enemy plays a role.
  • Strategy: A brief explanation of the enemy’s attacks, and any strategies for attacking the enemy.
  • Design: A brief description of the enemy’s physical appearance.

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