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Journal:Captain Hook

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Journal entries of Captain Hook throughout the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts[edit | edit source]

First entry[edit | edit source]

The pirate who is working with the Heartless to pay revenge to Peter Pan, who caused him to lose his left hand. He is as arrogant as a pirate can be, but hides away when the crocodile comes close. With the Heartless' powers, he can travel to many other worlds.

He hooked us in "Peter Pan" (1953).

Second Entry[edit | edit source]

The pirate with a grudge against Peter Pan, who caused him to lose his hand to the crocodile. He threw in his lot with Maleficent and the Heartless, but ended up being chased over the horizon by the crocodile.

He hooked us in "Peter Pan" (1953).

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories[edit | edit source]

Sora's Story[edit | edit source]

A pirate who holds a grudge against Peter Pan. Hook kidnapped Wendy to lure Peter out. Normally proud, Hook falls to pieces the moment the crocodile that took his hand shows up.

Reverse/Rebirth[edit | edit source]

A pirate of Neverland. Hook appeared before Riku as a token of the indelible darkness in his heart.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[edit | edit source]

Terra[edit | edit source]

Peter Pan (1953)

A pirate of Never Land, and Peter Pan's archenemy. He tricked Terra into guarding his treasure, but lies never last, and Peter made off with the treasure chest anyway.

His usual swagger is replaced by terror at the very sight or sound of the crocodile.

Ventus[edit | edit source]

Peter Pan (1953)

A pirate of Never Land, and Peter Pan's archenemy. For all his attempts to give "that cowardly sparrow" his comeuppance, he has yet to succeed.

His usual swagger is replaced by terror at the very sight or sound of the crocodile.

Aqua[edit | edit source]

Peter Pan (1953)

A pirate of Never Land, and Peter Pan's archenemy. His attempt to steal back the treasure Peter nabbed ended in failure.

His usual swagger is replaced by terror at the very sight or sound of the crocodile.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit | edit source]

Peter Pan (1953) A pirate captain who works with the Heartless to get revenge on the one who stole his left hand.

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