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Journal:Cheshire Cat

From Kingdom Hearts Database
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Journal entries of Cheshire Cat throughout the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts[edit | edit source]

A mysterious, grinning cat who talks in riddles and can appear and disappear at will. He loves to mislead and confuse.

He entered with a big smile in "Alice in Wonderland" (1951).

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories[edit | edit source]

A mysterious, grinning cat who always talks in riddles.

He appears when you least expect it, and disappears whenever he pleases.

Kingdom Hearts coded[edit | edit source]

A strange feline from Wonderland whose unnerving grin and absurd interjections leave even the best conversationalist struggling to keep up.

As if that weren't maddening enough, the Cheshire Cat tends to vanish into thin air almost as suddenly as he pops out of it.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit | edit source]

Cheshire Cat[edit | edit source]

Alice in Wonderland (1951) A mysterious cat who talks in riddles and appears at will.

Alice & Cheshire Cat[edit | edit source]

Alice in Wonderland (1951) A girl who wandered into Wonderland and a grinning cat who utters cryptic words.

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