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Journal:Daisy Duck

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Journal entries of Daisy Duck throughout the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts[edit | edit source]

Donald's sweetheart. She's helping Minnie while the others look for King Mickey. She has Donald under her thumb, and does a good job of keeping him in line.

She originally appeared as Daisy in "Mr. Duck Steps Out" (1940).

Kingdom Hearts II[edit | edit source]

Don Donald (1937)

A lady-in-waiting to Queen Minnie at Disney Castle and Donald's girlfriend. She's helping Queen Minnie run the castle while the others are away.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[edit | edit source]

Don Donald (1937)

Donald's girlfriend. She is assisting Queen Minnie with royal affairs until the King returns.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit | edit source]

Daisy[edit | edit source]

Don Donald (1937)

Donald's girlfriend and the lady-in-waiting to Queen Minnie.

Minnie & Daisy[edit | edit source]

The Queen of Disney Castle, and the lady-in-waiting.

Donald & Daisy[edit | edit source]

The Royal Court Magician and his girlfriend, the aristocrat.

Kingdom Hearts III[edit | edit source]

Don Donald (1937)

Donald's girlfriend. She is assisting Queen Minnie with royal affairs until the King returns.

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