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Journal entries of Defender throughout the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts[edit | edit source]

Heartless that mostly appear in Hollow Bastion. They carry an eerie shield with a face that casts Fire and Blizzard and bites nearby enemies.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories[edit | edit source]

A Heartless that primarily resides in Hollow Bastion. Its shield stops head-on physical and magical attacks, and can launch fireballs. The Defender is also a skilled card user, and will break the cards of unprepared opponents.

Kingdom Hearts coded[edit | edit source]

Heartless that tote eerie shields which bite at you, cast Fire and Blizzard—and, of course, repel your attacks. Thankfully, Defenders are slow and easy to get the jump on.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit | edit source]

This Heartless lives by the words "the best offense is a good defense." Utilize your special attacks to overcome its mighty guard, then claim victory!

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