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Journal:Destroyed Behemoth

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Journal entries of Destroyed Behemoth/Behemoth Ω/Destoyer Behemoth throughout the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix[edit | edit source]

A greater Behemoth subspecies. It has extraordinary strength, unparalleled to that of the Behemoth. However, despite its appearance and size, it shares the same weaknesses as the standard archetype.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit | edit source]

Behemoth Ω[edit | edit source]

This beast boasts a mammoth amount of HP. Its paralyzing attacks make it a frightening foe; heal yourself with special attacks!

Destroyer Behemoth (Medal)[edit | edit source]

One of the strongest of its kind. True to its name, it can easily defeat a Behemoth.

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