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Journal:Dr. Finkelstein

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Journal entries of Dr. Finkelstein throughout the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts[edit | edit source]

The mad scientist who created a "heart" to help Jack control the Heartless' dancing. Sally is another of his creations. She helps him around the lab, but she'd much rather spend time with Jack.

He created some scares in "Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas" (1993).

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories[edit | edit source]

The mad scientist of Halloween Town. He's always immersed in his odd experiments.

This time Dr. Finkelstein came up with a potion to restore true memories, only to have it guzzled by Oogie Boogie.

Kingdom Hearts II[edit | edit source]

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

The mad scientist of Halloween Town. Sally is one of his creations.

The first time Sora and his friends met the doctor, he was trying to create a heart. He failed, but he hasn't lost his appetite for strange inventions.

The doctor's head is made out of steel plates that open up for maintenance.

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