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Journal:Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance/Glossary/Organization XIII

From Kingdom Hearts Database

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This Glossary entry is obtained after meeting Xemnas in Prankster's Paradise as Sora.
When the strongest of heart become “Nobodies,” they retain human form even after their heart is gone.

Ansem the Wise had six apprentices, the best of whom called himself Xehanort. The real Ansem abandoned his studies of the heart, but Xehanort could not let it stop there. He and the other apprentices betrayed Ansem and cast their hearts away to continue their master’s research.

Xehanort’s Nobody took a new name, Xemnas, and formed an organization with the other apprentices’ Nobodies. Once their numbers grew, they became known as “Organization XIII,” though at one time they had a fourteenth member.

Organization XIII’s goal was to complete Kingdom Hearts from the hearts of people, by defeating Heartless and collecting the hearts they had captured. Sora thwarted their plan, however, destroying the Organization’s members and setting a multitude of captive hearts free.

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