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Journal:Oogie Boogie

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Journal entries of Oogie Boogie throughout the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts[edit | edit source]

First entry[edit | edit source]

This evil bag of bugs wants Jack out of town so he can take over. To further his plot, he's after the heart Dr. Finkelstein created, and he's sent Lock, Shock and Barrel to steal it.

He came apart at the seams in "Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas" (1993).

Second entry[edit | edit source]

The villain who tried to take over Halloween Town. The heart he stole from Dr. Finkelstein attracted the Heartless, and the result was his doom.

He came apart at the seams in "Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas" (1993).

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories[edit | edit source]

Sora's Story[edit | edit source]

A villain who's always plotting against Jack.

Oogie Boogie stole Dr. Finkelstein's potion thinking it would make him stronger, but it drove him mad with fear instead.

Reverse/Rebirth[edit | edit source]

A villain who's always causing trouble in Halloween Town.

Oogie Boogie appeared before Riku as a token of the indelible darkness in his heart.

Kingdom Hearts II[edit | edit source]

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

An evil bag of bugs who loves gambling with dice and dreams of causing trouble for Jack in Halloween Town. Sora and his friends defeated Oogie once before, but Maleficent brought him back as part of her evil plan.

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