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Journal:Red Nocturne

From Kingdom Hearts Database
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Journal entries of Red Nocturne throughout the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts[edit | edit source]

Spellcasting Heartless. While hovering about, they attack by casting Fire. Having low HP, they keep their distance from their opponents, making them difficult to attack. They absorb fire attacks.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories[edit | edit source]

A magic-wielding Heartless that drifts through the air. It's flighty and hard to hit. The Red Nocturne attacks with Fire from a distance, and absorbs fire damage.

Kingdom Hearts coded[edit | edit source]

Spell-slinging Heartless that float on the breeze, but that doesn't mean they're a breeze to take down. Keep your distance and they'll try to toast you with Fire magic; get too close and they'll run away. Good thing they don't have much HP.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit | edit source]

A support-type enemy that boosts the strength of its allies. Defeat it before it has the chance!

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