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Journal entries of Roo throughout the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts[edit | edit source]

Roo dreams of bouncing as well as Tigger someday. He's mischievous, energetic, and fearless, but grows uneasy when Tigger is not around.

He hopped onto the screen in "Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree" (1966).

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories[edit | edit source]

A feisty kangaroo who's full of energy.

Little Roo wants to learn to bounce as high as Tigger.

Kingdom Hearts II[edit | edit source]

Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966)

The youngest resident of the Hundred Acre Wood. Roo looks up to Tigger, and dreams of bouncing just like him someday.

Kingdom Hearts III[edit | edit source]

Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966)

Kanga's son. He loves Tigger, and the two spend lots of time practicing their bouncing together. Roo was the first in the Hundred Acre Wood to befriend Lumpy.

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