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Journal:White Mushroom

From Kingdom Hearts Database
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Journal entries of White Mushroom throughout the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts[edit | edit source]

Non-attacking, friendly Heartless. They might give you an item if you help them.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories[edit | edit source]

A Heartless with an unusual affinity for people. The White Mushroom never attacks, and may even reward someone who comes to its aid.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit | edit source]

Story Quest[edit | edit source]

This frustrating foe restores its allies' HP and has plenty of endurance. It also always heals after your slot 4 attack!

White Mushroom A[edit | edit source]

An unusually friendly Heartless that won't attack.

White Mushroom B[edit | edit source]

An unusually friendly Heartless that doesn't attack unless attacked first.

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