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Nomura reveals details about KHUχ 4th anniversary

From Kingdom Hearts Database
Nomura reveals details about KHUχ 4th anniversary
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  • Surprise letter from Nomura about KHUχ's 4th anniversary
  • No anniversary illustration as in past years.
  • Trailer for upcoming the Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind DLC to be shown next week.
  • Four story updates will happen during the month of October.
  • Writing for the ReMind DLC and 2/4 stories for KHUχ complete.
  • Noumura is working on a mystery request related to the "3rd line" of the Kingdom Hearts series.
  • Huge changes coming to KHUχ including "Double Feature".

Japanese Kingdom Hearts Union χ (hereafter Union χ) players woke up this morning to a surprising letter from Kingdom Hearts series creator Tetsuya Nomura:

It's been a while. Nomura here. Thanks to the efforts of all the staff, we have reached four years. It's also thanks to you, Keyblade Wielders all over the world. Thank you so much.

To show our gratitude, we will be distributing 4th anniversary presents for the next eight days as we count down. On the 8th and final day, we will release a new trailer for the KINGDOM HEARTS III DLC we are currently working hard on, Re Mind. We plan to drop it a little earlier than the present distribution on the final day, at midnight September 10 Japan time.

I'm very sorry, but I haven't been able to prepare my usual commemorative illustration this year. Instead, if that's the right way to describe it anyway, I have been writing more of the main scenario. I wasn't able to finish in time for the 4th anniversary, but starting October I plan to release four main story updates in a row. I'd like to show you a scene from each of the two stories that have been written so far.

Pic 1: whaaaaa?? When I was still just a boy…

Pic 2: Your message has already been received.

Does that pique your interest?

Speaking of KH scenarios, I have finished Re Mind, and finished the first two stories for UX. As I just mentioned I plan to write two more, however, I also received a mystery request for one thing to do first. I will return to UX after. I'll just say this: that one mystery thing is related to a yet-unannounced 3rd "line" of KH…… And in the 3rd line ○○○○○○○…… Does that pique your interest?

I do feel like things have settled down since the release of KHIII, but we are working steadily towards the next phase of the KH series, so I hope you continue to support KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ[Cross]. The other day the UX staff came to talk to me about something mind boggling, some huge changes might be on the way. Here's a hint: "double feature."

Farewell until our next chance.

KINGDOM HEARTS Series Director Tetsuya Nomura

This is the first news we've had about the DLC since it was initially announced back in June.

"This article uses material from "9/3 Union χ JP Update: Message from Nomura, 4th Anniversary" on Kingdom Hearts Insider and is licensed under a Creative Commons license permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution


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