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Portable KH3 Walkman to Release in Celebration of Kingdom Hearts III

From Kingdom Hearts Database
Portable KH3 Walkman to Release in Celebration of Kingdom Hearts III
Sony Walkman Announcement.png
  • Kingdom Hearts III edition Walkman to sell on Sony's website
  • Walkman comes preloaded with both Kingdom Hearts III theme songs

A "Kingdom Hearts III Collaboration" model Walkman portable media player is coming soon from Sony for preorder in Japan.[1] It includes the Japanese versions of "Face My Fears" (by Utada Hikaru & Skrillex) and "Oath" (dubbed "Don't Think Twice" in English, by Utada Hikaru) preloaded onto the media player. This edition of the Walkman is to celebrate the release of Kingdom Hearts III on Sony's Playstation 4. People with a "My Sony ID" can receive a 10% OFF coupon when purchasing by simply logging in. You can also sign up to receive e-mail updates from Sony about their products, including the "Kingdom Hearts III Collaboration " model Walkman.[2] A release date and price has yet to be announced, but we'll update you as soon as more information becomes available.

External Links

Notes and Sources

  1. [1]
  2. E-mail registration is not to force the customer's purchase, nor is it promised to sell goods with e-mail registration.
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