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Topic on News talk:Seth Kearsley unveils pilot for scrapped 2003 Kingdom Hearts television series

From Kingdom Hearts Database

The Plans for Kingdom Hearts Pilot and the undecided release date for it

ARHP369 (talkcontribs)

I just found a few sites that might be good to see some time that might be useful that they can use sometime in the future so I hope that one day we can see that show become a reality. I hope that this show will be shown on Disney+ as the Disney+ Original maybe with some help from Seth Kearsley, Disney themselves, and Robert A. Iger (since he got the job back as the CEO of the Walt Disney Company again) so they might be good to see them in action and maybe use the links that some people shared them with Seth they might be come in handy someday so it can be useful to see them so the Kingdom Hearts fans can see that show again for the first time since 2003. I want to be sure that I hope we can see that as a reality since 2003 and I hope it's going to be in either 2023 or some other time in the future like in these videos as well So I hope these might be good for everyone to see once it comes. I know it's too soon to think about it right now but it's just a thought and maybe this as well It'll be good for us to see it in action I really hope this might be helpful someday and I it might come to Disney as well really hope so for this to come for you and for all of us Good for you to see as well Something for the Pilot as well you might use this as well for Seth plus that actor that used to play your Jiminy Cricket is dead and been replaced by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. they already put the Kingdom Hearts characters for Disneyland for the Oogie Boogie Bash 2022 in Disneyland like this for example and everyone was happy about that and I know they can accept that project but right now they are focusing on Kingdom Hearts 4 and other videos games after that as well we just have to wait and be patient for them to do so in the meantime and we just have to play it by ear. I hope that this Pilot for Kingdom Hearts is going to be for either Disney Channel and/or Disney+ so all of us can see it again after 20 years.

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