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Transcript:Kingdom Hearts III/Chapter VIII: The Caribbean/An Arrangement

From Kingdom Hearts Database

An Arrangement is a cutscene in Kingdom Hearts III.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jack Sparrow has just entered Lord Cutler Beckett's cabin on The Interceptor.

Cutler Beckett: "Perhaps you'll consider an arrangement. One which requires nothing from you but information."

Beckett brings over two small glasses of Port wine and offers one to Jack, which he takes.

Jack Sparrow: "Regarding the Brethren Court, no doubt."

Jack then takes the second glass of Port from Beckett, which he had clearly meant for himself.

Jack Sparrow: "In exchange for fair compensation..."

Jack drinks his Port.

Jack Sparrow: "Square my debt with Jones..."

Jack drinks Beckett's Port.

Jack Sparrow: "Guarantee my freedom..."

Cutler Beckett: "Of course. It's just good business."

Jack Sparrow: "Were I in a divulgatory mood, what then might I divulge?"

Cutler Beckett: "Everything. Where are they meeting? What are their plans?"

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