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Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary artwork revealed

From Kingdom Hearts Database
Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary artwork revealed
Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary artwork 01.png
  • An artwork piece celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Kingdom Hearts series was revealed during the 20th Anniversary exhibit in Tokyo, Japan
  • The piece was first teased on March 28, 2022.

An artwork piece by Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura was finally unveiled at the Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary celebration event in Tokyo, Japan today. The piece, first teased by Nomura on the series' actual anniversary in March, features all of the main characters from the series, with the exception of the new characters in Kingdom Hearts Dark Road. Check it out!

Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary artwork 01.png

An updated version of the piece was revealed after the release of a new trailer announcing the development of Kingdom Hearts IV. The updated version features Sora, as see in the upcoming title, holding up the number four.

Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary artwork 02.png

What do you think of the artwork piece? Be sure to let us know!

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