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New Kingdom Hearts III trailer features "Face My Fears"

From Kingdom Hearts Database
New Kingdom Hearts III trailer features "Face My Fears"
  • New trailer for Kingdom Hearts III features segments from the opening video
  • Utada Hikaru and Skrillex collaboration theme "Face My Fears" is featured in trailer for the first time.

The first in a series of trailers set to launch this month came out today, featuring scenes from the opening cinematic video for Kingdom Hearts III and the new collaboration theme by Utada Hikaru and Skrillex, "Face My Fears".

The trailer, only a minute and thirty seconds long, features a Young Xehanort playing chess, and how each piece he places on the board represents an event from the Kingdom Hearts series and the long-running saga. The opening video takes a noticeably darker tone compared to past openings. Additionally, the trailer features a part of the new "Face My Fears" track, which was announced back in September.


What did you think of the new trailer?


UPDATE: Within hours of the video's launch, the Kingdom Hearts III opening trailer became the number one trending video on YouTube worldwide! Now, several days since, it's still on YouTube's Trending page and has amassed an impressive 3.27 million views!

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