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Streamers, Community Members chosen by Square Enix to play Kingdom Hearts III early

From Kingdom Hearts Database
Streamers, Community Members chosen by Square Enix to play Kingdom Hearts III early
  • As of April 26, ten members of the Kingdom Hearts community have been chosen to play Kingdom Hearts III early.

Get excited, because Kingdom Hearts III is almost here. As proof of that, various video game streamers and members in the Kingdom Hearts community have been chosen by Square Enix to be the first to play the long-awaited title.

On April 6, 2018, well-known Kingdom Hearts streamers HMK, TheGamersJoint, and SkywardWing, known in the community as part of the four-person group "The χ-Keepers", announced each on their respective Twitter account that they had been chosen by Square Enix to be the first to play Kingdom Hearts III. A few days later, on April 10, KH13 announced that site staff members Toominator and Raxaimus had also been chosen to play the game prior to its release. The next day, the fourth χ-Keeper, Soraalam1, also announced on his Twitter that he had been chosen be part of the lucky few. On April 25, LimitForm72 and KeybladeSarah, two other streamers, made the same exciting announcement. Just this afternoon, speed-runner BizKit047 announced on his own Twitter account that he had been chosen to join the group. And right as this article is being written, YouTuber SmellyOctopus announced that he had been chosen by Square Enix as well to be among the first to play Kingdom Hearts III.

The various announcements are largely the same, with no additional information to be given, restrictions likely imposed by Square Enix to prevent leaks or spoilers of the long-awaited conclusion to the Xehanort Saga. But the announcements have caused quite a stir within the Kingdom Hearts community, and many have taken to Twitter to call out their favorite contributors to the community for Square Enix to consider including in the growing list of early Kingdom Hearts III gamers. It's not known what impact these online efforts have had, but Twitter campaigns had started in support of Soraalam1, LimitForm, KeybladeSarah, and BizKit047 before their eager announcements were made. Even now, such campaigns fill Twitter feeds in support for long-time Kingdom Hearts-YouTuber Everglow and community voice Churro, among others.

While we may not know much of anything regarding what these fine community leaders have gotten themselves into, we know one thing: the release of Kingdom Hearts III cannot be far behind these announcements. And that has us excited.

UPDATE: News writer and long-time Kingdom Hearts-community leader Churro announced via Twitter late April 27 that he had been chosen by Square Enix to be among the first to play Kingdom Hearts III.

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