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Union χ First Anniversary celebrated with new development report and Twitter campaign

From Kingdom Hearts Database
Union χ First Anniversary celebrated with new development report and Twitter campaign
News 20180323 01.png
  • First anniversary of Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] marked by new development report
  • Player-vs.-Player, 7★ medals, and Keyblade subslots for medals will be part of future spring update.
  • Twitter campaign will feature most memorable user-submitted moments from the game

Today marks one year since the mobile phone game Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] rolled out in Japan, replacing Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ. To celebrate the occasion, the development team for Union χ[Cross] published its fourth development report. The report delves into some of the features soon to be pushed out in a future update to the game.

The report highlights three soon-to-be-released features to the game. The first is a Player-vs.-Player, or PvP, multiplayer mode. This feature was first reported on by GAME Watch, which then reported that the battles would not be in real-time.[1] The new PvP mode seems to take place in Olympus Coliseum, but there is no additional information given on the feature.

The second feature mentioned in the update is that new ★7 medals will be introduced to the game. Previously, all medals could be evolved to ★6 (★★★★★★), after which they can be made stronger only by combining them with other medals of the same type. Now, all medals will be able to be evolved to one more level, a seventh ★.

Finally, the Keyblade will now feature "subslots" to increase the strength of the Keyblade using medals that are not usually used in-battle. There isn't any more information on this new mechanic, but it appears that all other medals that aren't used for battle can be equipped to the Keyblade to increase the Keyblade's strength.

Apart from the development update, a Twitter campaign has been started on the Japanese Union χ[Cross] Twitter account. The campaign wants users to share images of their most memorable moments in Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross], whether they're amazing or weird. The rules are as follows[2][3]:

  • One-word comment
  • Hashtags #KHUX #決定的瞬間 #キャンペーン
  • Images or videos of your memorable moment
  • Deadline is 4/1 @ 23:59 JST

The best submissions will be retweeted by @KHUX_PR, and if there are at least 50 submissions, then all players will receive a "special multiplayer comment" present.[4]

This only begins what will surely be an exciting month of celebration for the first anniversary of Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross], with the Dandelion Meeting in mid-April coming up. What are you most excited for? Let us know in the comment section!


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