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Boo the MVP

From Kingdom Hearts Database

"Boo the MVP" is a cutscene in Kingdom Hearts III.

Story[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Sulley: "Once we get through here, we're clear."

Mike: "Yup! This is the central control unit for the whole factory! Now whaddaya say we get outta here?"

Sora runs to the machine.

Sora: "Let me."

Donald Duck: "I'll do it!"

Mike runs to the machine.

Mike: "Hey, hey! Show a little finesse!"

Mike attempts to use the machine, then pounds on it when it fails to respond.

Mike: "Rats! Randall must have messed this up. Nothin' works!"

Donald Duck: "We can't get out?"

Goofy: "Maybe it would be faster to just break it."

Sora: "That's brilliant!"

Sora summons the Keyblade and prepares to smash the machine.

Sulley: "Hang on!"

Sulley runs to the others.

Sulley: "Think I've got a better idea. If we can just short it out, the lock will disengage. And, lucky for us, Boo is a walking energy generator."

Mike: "That might work!"

Sora: "You're our MVP, Boo."

Sulley begins to run around with Boo on his head. Mike and Sora trip, causing Mike to fly across the room, with the Keyblade falling on Mike’s head. Boo and the others laugh. A dark energy begins to form on the ground behind the group, and the Unversed appear.

Mike: "Hide her!"

Sulley: "I'm on it."

Video[edit | edit source]

Boo the MVP

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