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Enter the Black Coat

From Kingdom Hearts Database

"Enter the Black Coat" is a cutscene in Kingdom Hearts III.

Story[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Mike: "It's no use. We need a bigger burst of laughter."

Sulley: "Would you care to do the honors?"

Mike: "I'd love to."

Mike begins to play tennis with his eye.

Mike: "40 - 0. Game and set! I'm not cut out for this racket."

Boo and the others keep looking at Mike without any response.

Mike: "Come on. It's a tennis joke. Should I've gone with ping-pong?"

Sora (to Goofy): "Nothin' could've saved that one."

Mike (screaming): "Wait! Nobody move! I dropped my contact!"

Mike begins to search on the ground.

Sulley: "I don't think Boo's gonna get it, Mike."

Sora walks to Sulley.

Sora (to Sulley): "Do you get it?"

Sulley (to Sora): "Yeah, it's 'cause his eye's so big. The joke is you can't lose a contact the size of a dinner plate."

Mike (whirling around): "Oh, fine!"

Donald Duck: "Aren't you supposed to be good at this?"

Mike: "I am once I'm warmed up."

Goofy: "Sora, do the Funny Face Special."

Sora: "Huh? Whaaat? Ugh, if you insist."

Sora walks up to Boo and bows his head, before lifting it up to face her with a funny face, making Boo laugh.

Sora: "Everybody join in!"

The others join Sora in making silly faces, causing Boo to laugh and short out the door lock.

Sulley (to Mike): "Sora's aimin' for your job."

Mike pouts but joins the others as they begin to leave. Randall sneaks up from behind.

Randall: "You boys aren't gonna leave without saying good-bye?"

Mike: "Give it a rest, Randall. You're not gonna get away with this."

Sulley: "We'll stop anything you throw at us."

Sora: "Yeah!"

Sora summons the Keyblade as the others prepare to fight Randall.

Randall: "Maybe you will. Or then again, maybe you won't. I have still got an ace up my sleeve."

Mike and Sulley prepare to fight.

Randall: "Now...I command you to destroy them!"

Randall turns around at the lack of response.

Randall: "Eh?"

Randall snaps his fingers.

Randall: "Hey. Come on!"

Randall slithers to a metal component behind him and begins to hit it

Randall: "Move... Move, you stupid--"

Mike: "Looks like your ace is a joker."

Randall: "What a pile of junk!"

Randall slithers away.

Sora: "Wha-- Hey!"

Sulley holds Sora back.

Sulley: "Just leave him. Don't think he can cause us any more trouble."

Boo: "Kitty!"

Sulley: "Besides, we gotta focus on getting Boo home."

Sora: "You're right."

Sulley: "Boo's door has to be somewhere in the vault. If we head outside and go through the power station, we can get to the door vault that way. Follow me!"

Sora and the others leave and the door closes. A hooded figure appears and summons a dark being that takes control of the metal junk pile Randall was trying to use. Randall observes as the machine comes to life and grins.

Video[edit | edit source]

Enter the Black Coat

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