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Beta:List of Bosses (Kingdom Hearts III)

From Kingdom Hearts Database

Bosses in Kingdom Hearts III are enemies that serve as the powerful, often impassable foes that stand in the way of the protagonist from completing a world. Each boss is either based on an existing Disney movie character, or is an original Kingdom Hearts property.

Defeating certain bosses often signal the completion of their respective world's story, and grant a Keyblade upon defeat.

Heart 2 Symbol.png
Quick Boss List

Heart 2 Symbol.png

Boss Location Allies Weakness Resistance Immunity Optional
File:Rock Titan KHIII
Rock Titan
Olympus/Mountain Trail None None Rapid-Fire None NO
File:Ice Titan KHIIIFile:Lava Titan KHIII
Ice Titan & Lava Titan
Olympus/Summit None None Thunder, Aero, Dark, Rapid-fire[1]
Thunder, Aero, Dark, Rapid-fire, Water[2]
File:Tornado Titan KHIII
Tornado Titan
Olympus/Summit None None Fire, Blizzard, Water, Dark, Rapid-Fire Aero NO
File:Demon Tower KHIII
Demon Tower
Twilight Town/Tram Common None None Rapid-Fire
Physical, Fire, Thunder, Water, Aero, Dark, Neutral, Rapid-Fire[3]
None NO
File:Demon Tower KHIII
Demon Tower
Twilight Town/Tram Common None None Rapid-Fire
Physical, Fire, Thunder, Water, Aero, Dark, Neutral, Rapid-Fire[4]
None NO
File:Angelic Amber KHIII
Angelic Amber
Toy Box/Babies & Toddlers: Dolls Donald, Goofy, Buzz Lightyear, Woody Pride Fire Blizzard, Thunder, Water, Aero, Dark, Neutral, Rapid-Fire None NO
  1. 1.0 1.1 Lava Titan
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ice Titan
  3. When eyes glow red only
  4. When eyes glow red only
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