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KHDatabase:The King's Council

From Kingdom Hearts Database

The King's Council is the monthly meeting for the Kingdom Hearts Database staff. This meeting is designed to help organize the efforts on site to cover the entire Kingdom Hearts series. During the meeting, held on the Database's Discord server, the staff reviews progress on current projects and goals, and sets or resets goals for the next month, as well as making assignments to meet those goals.

Although The King's Council is a staff meeting, all registered users and interested people can join the meeting and participate. The next King's Council Meeting will be on Monday, September 30.

Meeting 01[edit source]

This meeting was held on July 17 and 20, 2018.

Log: The King's Council - Meeting 01 Log
  • Kingdom Hearts III coverage
    • We're going to be more lenient on trailer policy: characters and content that appear in trailers will be considered officially in the game until officially revealed otherwise (in another trailer or final game).
    • Template:Unreleased will have a disclaimer tag for content written based on pre-release content and will be on Kingdom Hearts III-related articles until after the game's release and the article is checked.
    • We'll stay strictly against speculation (anything that isn't explicitly revealed officially).
  • Forum:Project Kingdom Key:
    • Transcripts: Transcripts for all games and interviews; further discussion needed on deciding how to list game transcripts
    • Walkthroughs: Information on sidequests, minigames, treasure chest locations, item/command synthesis lists, ability lists for Dive to the Heart. We should write these thinking, "What would we need to get 100% in-game?"
    • Kingdom Hearts Union χ: We're going to focus on covering story for this game; we'll could affiliate and redirect to the KH Unchained X/Union X Wiki for gameplay content
    • Staff: Draaek will be our content admin, Chainoffire will be our public relations representative
    • Build out "On This Day" feature for our main page, covering various events in Kingdom Hearts history.
  • We'll want to keep in mind an affiliation with KH13 in the future
  • Template:Spoilers and Template:Delete look really similar and should be altered
  • We will be starting a live podcast as an option to help pay for server costs.

Meeting 02[edit source]

This meeting was held on 19 October 2018

Log: The King's Council - Meeting 02 Log
  • For naming articles, we'll be using Young Xehanort, Master Xehanort, and Terra-Xehanort for Xehanort-related articles, with Xehanort being a disambiguation page for all three. We'll use Ansem the Wise and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness for the two Ansem-named characters. Riku-Ansem won't have his own article, but will instead redirect to Ansem, Seeker of Darkness.
    • We'll keep the rule for names as they appear in the Kingdom Hearts series, not the original names from origin works.
  • We'll allow friend userboxes, and other userboxes by request (character, game achievement, etc.)
  • We'll keep a lenient policy on userpages and allow userpages for content such as reviews, so long as they adhere to appropriate standards (no violence, pornography, illegal content, etc.)
  • We'll reach out and begin to accept requests for affiliation with other sites once we have at least one article for each type (ability, character, world, game, etc.)
  • Transcripts will be listed under Transcript:<<Game>>/<<Cutscene Name>> (Ex: "Transcript:Kingdom Hearts II/The Great Ninja Yuffie").
  • We will begin our first End of Year Event immediately and go until the release of Kingdom Hearts III.

Meeting 03[edit source]

This meeting was held on 1 March 2019

Log: The King's Council - Meeting 03 Log
  • Clarified that signing up for projects in the project forums did not mean people were committing to contributing to everything related to that project.
  • FinalRest has already recorded most of Kingdom Hearts III, and will decide if she wants to upload her recordings to the Database YouTube channel.
  • Chainoffire will reach out to Lunesacree about assisting with translations for the Database.
  • The Database will set up a riddle game in the Discord server to celebrate its 1st Anniversary.
  • Updates regarding the Database set up:
    • The Database is now running MediaWiki 1.32, with a new layout in Special:RecentChanges.
    • KeybladeSpyMaster is rebuilding templates on the Database to be more mobile-friendly.
    • There's a new TemplateWizard for adding templates into articles that can be enabled in Special:Preferences.
    • The Database now has a dark theme that can be enabled in Special:Preferences.
  • KeybladeSpyMaster will add a link to the Database's Patreon will be added next to the other social media links.
  • FinalRest will publish her Lucky Emblem and Treasure location tables in the Walkthrough pages and on world pages.
  • FinalRest will create a draft for both a split and combined article for the Flantastic Seven.

Meeting 04[edit source]

This meeting was held on 30 September 2019

Log: The King's Council - Meeting 04 Log
  • Updates:
    • Our application to join the Square Enix Independent Wiki Alliance was rejected.
    • We have permission from 13th Vessel, Goldpanner, Roboloid, and KHWaterblock to use their content, according to the terms they've set.
    • We will be adding 13thVessel, Goldpanner, Roboloid, KHWaterblock, and anyone else who agrees to let us use their content on the Database to KHDatabase:Affiliates, in a new section titled "Friends of the KHDatabase."
    • Chainoffire will talk with another site about getting permission to use their KHUX images, and another user about using their KHIII audio rips.
  • We will seek a solution to broken gifs when being resized.
  • Articles will be titled with their most recent English title, with the Japanese alternate name being in the opening paragraph in a Nihongo template.
  • As it relates to file names, worlds will not be abbreviated into codes. Rather, the full name of the world will be used.
  • A channel will be created in the Discord server to add accomplishments and ideas to share on social media.
  • The Support for New and Operating Wikis (SNOW) Alliance will be established on the Kingdom Hearts Database and work out of the Database's Discord server. The Kingdom Hearts Database will be the Alliance's first supporting wiki.
  • Non-HTML5 tags on the Database are prohibited, and will be replaced. See Wikipedia:HTML_5 for examples.
  • Layout templates will be created for each of the different article types to make early article building easier.
  • An article will be written similar to the existing "Level Grinding" article on The Keyhole. Other similar articles will be written as guides.
  • The Kingdom Hearts Database will update its site and social media theme in celebration of the traditional Halloween season.

Meeting 05[edit source]

This meeting was held on 5 November 2019

Log: The King's Council - Meeting 05 Log
  • KeybladeSpyMaster will continue to work to find a solution to resizing .gif media files.
  • The staff will make a long-term project to remove all obsolete HTML tags in favor of the currently-supported HTML tags, per last council's discussion.
  • We will make a list of needed templates and layouts still needed on talk page for the Article Layout talk page. These will still be merged into the Manual of Style.
  • Chainoffire will upload audio files for the Kingdom Hearts III soundtrack as able.
  • Chainoffire will look into archiving the April Fool's Day joke articles from The Keyhole.
  • A forum will be created for discussing this year's End of Year Event. It will be more community-focused, with less emphasis on Database editing. Current ideas include:
    • A Kingdom Hearts race on Twitch
    • A stream featuring exploration of the maps for Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.
  • Regardless of whether it's part of End of Year Event 2019, Chainoffire will organize a stream featuring exploration of the maps for Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.
  • Coverage for Kingdom Hearts Union χ will focus on these areas:
    • Story
    • Medals
    • Keyblades
    • Basic game mechanics
    • Items
    • Abilities
  • All social media channels should remove Halloween theme assets immediately and use the standard theme until December.
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