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First Steps Outside

From Kingdom Hearts Database

"First Steps Outside" is a scene in Kingdom Hearts III.

Story[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Sora: "Huh?"

Flynn and Rapunzel make it down the side of the tower.

Rapunzel: "It's so soft! I'm free... I'm really free!"

Rapunzel begins to run around the tower. Sora, Donald, and Goofy run to Flynn.

Sora: "Flynn, good to see you in one piece!"

Flynn Rider: "Guys! You're here, and just in time."

Sora: "Oh... Who's she?"

Flynn Rider: "Uh, that would be Rapunzel. Something tells me this could be her first time outdoors. Give her a few minutes to get used to it."

Sora: "First time ever?"


Rapunzel: "I can't believe I did this! I can't believe I did this. I can't believe I did this! Mother would be so furious if she knew I disobeyed her and left the tower..."

Rapunzel sits on a rock, caressing a water lily.

Rapunzel: "But that's okay—I mean, what she doesn't know won't kill her... Right?"

Rapunzel sits in a dark cave, holding herself.

Rapunzel: "Oh my gosh. This would kill her."

Rapunzel runs through the forest.

Rapunzel: "This is so fuuuuuun!"

Rapunzel stands with her head against a tree dejectedly.

Rapunzel: "I am a horrible daughter. I'm going back."

Rapunzel cartwheels down a hill.

Rapunzel: "I am never going back!"

Rapunzel lies face down on the ground.

Rapunzel: "I am a despicable human being."

Rapunzel swings on her hair around a tree.

Rapunzel: "Best. Day. Ever!"

Rapunzel sits on the ground, crying. Flynn, Sora, Donald, and Goofy approach her.

Flynn Rider: "I notice you seem a little at war with yourself here."

Goofy: "A little more than a little."

Donald Duck: "More like a lot."

Sora: "Yeah..."

Rapunzel notices Sora, Donald, and Goofy and gets up.

Rapunzel: "Stop right there! Who are you?"

Flynn Rider: "I told you before: my sidekicks."

Sora: "Sidekicks?"

Flynn Rider: "May I introduce, ehh..."

Sora: "Oh, uh... My name's Sora."

Donald Duck: "Donald!"

Goofy: "And I'm Goofy. Pleasure, ma'am."

Rapunzel: "Sora, Donald, and...Goofy. It's...nice to meet you, too. I'm Rapunzel."

Flynn Rider: "Yep. My sidekicks."

Sora pulls Flynn aside.

Sora: "Since when is that?"

Flynn Rider: "Look, she really wants to see the lantern show tomorrow night. Now, I'm a nice guy, so I've decided to help her. Only problem is those monsters might show up again. I can get her to the Kingdom—but you guys are clearly more cut out for combat."

Donald Duck: "That's 'cause we're heroes!"

Goofy: "And we're Heartless experts."

Sora: "Just leave it to us!"

Flynn Rider: "Done."

The group begins to walk through the forest.

Donald Duck: "Rapunzel is interesting..."

Goofy: "Yeah, her heart's pulling her all kindsa ways."

Sora: "The outside world must seem so big and scary. I know how she feels. Lucky for me you two came along at just the right time—and the rest has been unforgettable."

Donald Duck: "Awww..."

Sora: "Yep, unforgettable...just like your face!"

Donald Duck: "Oh yeah?!"

Sora runs towards Rapunzel and Flynn.

Goofy: "C'mon, now."

Goofy runs towards Sora. Donald follows.

Sora (to self): "All for one, and one for all."

Video[edit | edit source]

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