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Walkthrough:Kingdom Hearts II/Treasure Locations

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Roxas Prologue[edit | edit source]

Roxas' treasures are not accessible until the 3rd Day and cannot be collected outside of Roxas' story. They are not listed in Jiminy's Journal.

Item Location Notes
Potion Station of Serenity Appears after defeating the Dusks.
Potion Station of Calling On the left after climbing the first flight of stairs.
Potion Central Station In the Northeast corner of the station, by the door marked 1.
Hi-Potion Central Station In the Western part of the station, between the two tracks and near the front of the train.
Hi-Potion Central Station At the bottom of the staircase in the Southwest corner of the station.
Potion Sunset Terrace Upon entering this area from Sunset Station, follow the walkway to the left to discover the chest between a light and a tree.
Hi-Potion Sunset Terrace In the Northwestern part of the area, at the end of a small wooden bridge, near a tree.
Potion Sunset Terrace On a balcony to the left of the Sunset Hill entrance.
Ability Ring Sunset Terrace Climb to the top of the tram and use it to jump across to a small rooftop near the Eastern end of the tracks that holds the chest.
Potion Mansion: Foyer Upon entering the area, take the staircase on the left to find the chest on the first landing.
Hi-Potion Mansion: Foyer In front of the glass doors on the bottom floor.
Potion Mansion: Foyer In the middle of the second floor landing.
Potion Mansion: Dining Room On the South side of the room.
Elven Bandana Mansion: Dining Room In the Southwestern corner of the room.
Hi-Potion Mansion: Library On the right after traveling down the stairs.
Hi-Potion Mansion: Basement Corridor On the right upon entering the area.

Twilight Town[edit | edit source]

The Old Mansion: To the West of the gates.
The Old Mansion: To the right of the Mansion doors.
The Woods: In the Southwestern part of the map.
The Woods: In the Northwestern part of the map.
The Woods: In the Northeastern part of the map.
Market Street: Tram Common: In front of a green roofed building.
Market Street: Tram Common: On top of a blue roofed building.
Market Street: Tram Common: Resting against a wall beside a lamppost.
Market Street: Tram Common: To the left of the bridge by the Accessory Shop.
Market Street: Tram Common: Against a wall behind the Moogle's shop.
Market Street: Tram Common: On the brown rooftop in the North of the area.
Market Street: Tram Common: To the right of the entrance to The Woods.
Central Station: To the left of the train entrance marked 0.
Central Station: To the right of the train entrance marked 0.
Central Station: Against the far East wall of the map.
The Tower: By the bushes in front of the train.
The Tower: By the trees in front of the train.
The Tower: In the corner to the left of the Tower entrance.
Tower: Entryway: On the right when entering from outside the Tower.
Tower: Entryway: Under the staircase.
Tower: Sorcerer's Loft: Beside the chalkboard.
Tower: Wardrobe: Beside the door.
Underground Concourse: Along the path on the East side of the map.
Underground Concourse: In the corner near door 2.
Underground Concourse: In the Southwestern corner of the room .
Underground Concourse: In the corner South of door 4.
Tunnelway: Against a pillar in the large room.
Tunnelway: In front of the entrance to Sunset Terrace.
Sunset Terrace: On the rooftop near the Eastern end of the tracks.
Sunset Terrace: Near the Western end of the tram tracks.
Sunset Terrace: Between two buildings near the Eastern end of the tracks.
Sunset Terrace: On the Northern side of the map, at the end of the alley
Mansion: Foyer: In front of the doors that overlook the gardens.
Mansion: Foyer: At the top of the stairs on the right.
Mansion: Foyer: On the landing at the top of the stairs.
Mansion: Dining Room: Opposite the door.
Mansion: Dining Room: In the corner by the door.
Mansion: Library: In the corner.
Mansion: Basement Corridor: At the end of a line of pods.
# Photo Item Location Notes
Small Chest KHII.png
Potion The Old Mansion In the corner, to the West of the gates.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Shard The Old Mansion In the corner, to the right of the Mansion doors.
Small Chest KHII.png
Potion The Woods Along the outside of the perimeter, in the Southwestern part of the map.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Shard The Woods Along the outside of the perimeter, in the Northwestern part of the area.
Small Chest KHII.png
Hi-Potion The Woods Along the outside of the perimeter, in the Northeastern part of the area.
Small Chest KHII.png
Hi-Potion Market Street: Tram Common In front of a small, green roofed building north of the Sandlot entrance.
Small Chest KHII.png
AP Boost Market Street: Tram Common On top of the blue roofed building to the left of The Woods entrance. The roof can be accessed by jumping across the green rooftops on the building's left.
Small Chest KHII.png
Tent Market Street: Tram Common Take the stairs to the right of the Accessory Shop and follow the path to the downwards sloping stairs to find the chest resting against a wall beside a lamppost.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Shard Market Street: Tram Common Head down the two flights of stairs to the right of the Accessory Shop to find the chest slightly to the left of a bridge.
Small Chest KHII.png
Potion Market Street: Tram Common Against a wall behind the Moogle Shop.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Shard Market Street: Tram Common On the flat brown rooftop connected to the large green building in the North of the area.
Small Chest KHII.png
Potion Market Street: Tram Common Against one of the buildings to the right of The Woods entrance.
Small Chest KHII.png
Tent Central Station Along the wall to the left of the train entrance marked 0.
Small Chest KHII.png
Hi-Potion Central Station Along the wall to the right of the train entrance marked 0.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Shard Central Station Against the far East wall, beside the train entrance marked 1.
Small Chest KHII.png
Potion The Tower By the bushes on the right of the path in front of the train.
Small Chest KHII.png
Hi-Potion The Tower By the trees on the left of the path in front of the train.
Small Chest KHII.png
Ether The Tower Hidden by the trees in the far corner to the left of the Tower entrance.
Small Chest KHII.png
Ether Tower: Entryway Against the wall, on the right when entering from outside the Tower.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Shard Tower: Entryway Under the staircase, visible from the save point.
Small Chest KHII.png
Tower Map Tower: Sorcerer's Loft Beside the chalkboard, to the left of the Tower: Wardrobe entrance.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Stone Tower: Wardrobe Beside the door.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Gem Underground Concourse Along the path in the far East, between door 2 (the Tunnelway entrance)and door 3 (the Back Alley entrance).
Small Chest KHII.png
Orichalcum Underground Concourse In the corner of the small room near door 2 (the Tunnelway entrance).
Small Chest KHII.png
AP Boost Underground Concourse In the Southwestern corner of the room at the end of the ramp sloping down from door 5 (the Station Plaza entrance).
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Crystal Underground Concourse In the corner South of door 4 (the Market Street: Tram Common entrance).
Small Chest KHII.png
Orichalcum Tunnelway Against a pillar in the largest room.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Crystal Tunnelway In the corner in front of the Sunset Terrace entrance.
Small Chest KHII.png
Orichalcum+ Sunset Terrace Climb to the top of the tram and use it to jump across to the rooftop near the Eastern end of the tracks that holds the chest.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Shard Sunset Terrace In front of a building near the Western end of the tram tracks.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Crystal Sunset Terrace Between two buildings near the Eastern end of the tram tracks.
Small Chest KHII.png
AP Boost Sunset Terrace In the North, at the end of the alley where the "Friend From Beyond the Wall" wonder was investigated.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Crystal Mansion: Foyer In front of the glass doors that overlook the gardens.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Stone Mansion: Foyer At the top of the first flight of stairs on the right.
Small Chest KHII.png
Elixir Mansion: Foyer In the center of the landing at the top of the stairs.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Crystal Mansion: Dining Room Against the wall opposite the door.
Small Chest KHII.png
Mythril Stone Mansion: Dining Room In the corner by the door.
Small Chest KHII.png
Orichalcum Mansion: Library In the corner beside the statue in the bookcase.
Small Chest KHII.png
Ultimate Recipe Mansion: Basement Corridor Along the wall, at the end of a line of pods.

Hollow Bastion[edit | edit source]

Borough: On the Western side of the walkway leading to the Bailey.
Borough: Southwest, next to the crane.
Borough: Beside the entrance to Merlin's House.
Borough: To the East of the entrance to the Bailey.
Borough: Northeast of Merlin's House.
Postern: On the Southern railing of the circular area.
Postern: On a pipe to the right of the Restoration Site entrance.
Postern: In the corner at the bottom of the winding pathway.
Corridors: From the Postern, at the forks go South, East, North, and head straight.
Corridors: From the Postern, at the forks go South, East, South, then head straight.
Corridors: From the Postern, take the Eastern path at the first fork.
Corridors: From the Postern, at the forks go South then West.
Ansem's Study: In the Southern part of the room.
Ansem's Study: On the walkway between the computer area and the study.
Restoration Site: From the Bailey, hug the left wall to find the ledge that holds the chest.
Restoration Site: From the Bailey, hug the left wall then jump onto the ledge. Hug the right wall to find the chest next.
Crystal Fissure: Opposite the Save Point.
Crystal Fissure: Behind the Save Point.
Crystal Fissure: Behind the Save Point.
Crystal Fissure: Behind the Save Point.
Postern: Talk to Yuna.
Heartless Manufactory: Directly opposite the entrance.
# Item Location Notes
(1) Drive Recovery Borough On the Western side of the walkway leading to the Bailey entrance.
(2) AP Boost Borough In the Southwest, hidden in the corner by the crane that sits at the top of the long stone stairs.
(3) Hi-Potion Borough Beside the Merlin's House entrance.
(4) Mythril Shard Borough To the East of the Bailey entrance.
(5) Tent Borough When exiting from Merlin's House, head right to find the chest at the bottom of a small set of stairs.
(6) Castle Perimeter Map Postern On the Southern railing of the circular area.
(7) Mythril Gem Postern On a pipe to the right of the stairs leading to the Restoration Site.
(8) AP Boost Postern In the South, next to a gold mechanical box at the bottom of the winding pathway.
(9) Mythril Stone Corridors From the Postern entrance, take the Southern path at the first fork in the road, then the Eastern path at the fork after that. Head North at the next fork and follow the path straight past the next fork. Continue on to find the chest in front of a pile of debris.
(10) Mythril Crystal Corridors From the Postern entrance, take the Southern path at the first fork in the road, then the Eastern path at the fork after that. At the next fork head South and follow the path to the chest.
(11) Hi-Potion Corridors From the Postern entrance, take the Eastern path at the first fork and follow to the chest in the corner.
(12) AP Boost Corridors From the Postern entrance, take the Southern path at the first fork in the road, then the Western path at the fork after that. Follow the path to the chest in the corner.
(13) Skill Recipe Ansem's Study In the South, next to the open doorway.
(14) Ukelele Charm Ansem's Study In the corner, on the glass walkway between the computer area and the study.
(15) Moon Recipe Restoration Site From the Bailey entrance, hug the left wall to find the ledge that holds the chest.
(16) AP Boost Restoration Site From the Bailey entrance, hug the left wall to find a ledge. Jump onto the ledge and hug the right wall to find the chest next to a gold pipe.
(17) Torn Pages Crystal Fissure Opposite the Save Point.
(18) The Great Maw Map Crystal Fissure Behind the Save Point.
(19) Elixir Crystal Fissure Behind the Save Point.
(20) AP Boost Crystal Fissure Behind the Save Point.
(21) Gull Wing Postern Upon first arriving here, talk to Yuna to make the chest appear.
(22) Cosmic Chain Heartless Manufactory Directly opposite the entrance.

Beast's Castle[edit | edit source]

Courtyard: In the Southwest corner.
Courtyard: In the Northeast corner.
Courtyard: Left of the entrance to the Bridge.
Belle's Room: To the left of the bed.
Belle's Room: Beside the vanity.
The East Wing: In front of the door to the Entrance Hall.
The East Wing: Halfway down the hall.
The West Hall: In the corridor that leads to the Entrance Hall.
The West Hall: In the corridor that leads to the Entrance Hall.
The West Hall: On the right of the staircase.
The West Hall: On the left of the staircase.
The West Hall: At the top of the first flight of stairs.
The West Hall: By the corner to the left of the staircase.
Dungeon: In the corner by the door.
Dungeon: Beside a chair.
Secret Passage: On the raised area in the middle of the passage.
Secret Passage: On the small raised area in the middle of the passage.
Secret Passage: In the small room just before the entrance to The West Hall.
The West Wing: At the top of the stairs.
The West Wing: In front of the entrance to The West Hall.
The Beast's Room: To the right of the rose.
# Item Location Notes
(1) AP Boost Courtyard In the Southwest corner of the area.
(2) Hi-Potion Courtyard From the Castle entrance, turn left to find the chest in the Northeast corner.
(3) Mythril Shard Courtyard To the left of the entrance to the Bridge, against the wall.
(4) Castle Map Belle's Room Against the wall to the left of the bed.
(5) Mythril Shard Belle's Room In the corner of the room, beside the vanity.
(6) Hi-Potion The East Wing In the corner of the West end of the map, directly in front of the Entrance Hall entrance.
(7) Tent The East Wing Against the South wall, halfway down the hall.
(8) Hi-Potion The West Hall On the Northern wall of the corridor that leads to the Entrance Hall, between two statues of armor.
(9) Mythril Shard The West Hall Between two statues of armor, against the Southern wall of the corridor that leads to the Entrance Hall.
(10) Drive Recovery The West Hall Against the wall, by the large statue on the right of the staircase.
(11) Mythril Shard The West Hall At the end of the narrow passage on the left of the staircase.
(12) AP Boost The West Hall At the top of the first flight of stairs.
(13) Tent The West Hall By the corner of the wall to the left of the staircase.
(14) Basement Map Dungeon In the corner by the door.
(15) AP Boost Dungeon Against the Eastern wall, beside a chair.
(16) Mythril Shard Secret Passage Against a pillar in the small raised area in the middle of the area.
(17) Hi-Potion Secret Passage Against a pillar in the small raised area in the middle of the area.
(18) Mega-Potion Secret Passage Against the wall of the small room just before the The West Hall entrance.
(19) Mythril Shard The West Wing To the right at the top of the stairs.
(20) Tent The West Wing Directly in front of the The West Hall entrance.
(21) Mega Recipe The Beast's Room Against the wall, to the right of the rose.

Olympus Coliseum[edit | edit source]

Underworld Entrance: Along the path to the Underworld Caverns.
Cave of the Dead: Passage: Go left at the fork in the road.
Cave of the Dead: Passage: Opposite the entrance to Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber.
Cave of the Dead: Passage: Go left at the fork in the road.
Cave of the Dead: Passage: Go left at the fork in the road and follow the passage to the end.
Cave of the Dead: Passage: Go right at the fork in the road.
Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber: Near the Save Point.
Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber: Beside the entrance to Cave of the Dead: Passage.
Underworld Caverns: Entrance: Travel through to Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road. Follow the left path until you reach a staircase back to the Entrance.
Underworld Caverns: Entrance: Travel through to Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road. Follow the left path until you reach a staircase back to the Entrance.
Underworld Caverns: Entrance: Drop off the far right of the platform to find the chest on a small ledge.
Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road: Follow the left path.
Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road: Follow the path to the right.
Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road: When facing the entrance to Underworld Caverns: Atrium, take the path on the right.
Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road: Follow the path past the staircase entrance to Underworld Caverns: Entrance.
Underworld Caverns: Atrium: Follow the wall to the right.
Underworld Caverns: Atrium: Follow the main path to the small flight of stairs. The chest is on a ledge to the right.
The Lock: In the Southwestern part of the map.
The Lock: In the Northwestern part of the map.
The Lock: In the Eastern part of the map.
# Item Location Notes
(1) Power Boost Underworld Entrance Only accessible after the Olympus Stone has been stolen.

Along the path to the Underworld Caverns.

(2) Mythril Shard Cave of the Dead: Passage From the Cave of the Dead: Entrance entrance, take the ramp on the left at the fork in the road to find the chest on a ledge.
(3) Mythril Stone Cave of the Dead: Passage Against the wall, opposite the Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber entrance.
(4) Ether Cave of the Dead: Passage From the Cave of the Dead: Entrance entrance, take the ramp on the left at the fork in the road and follow the passage. The chest is located halfway down the path.
(5) AP Boost Cave of the Dead: Passage From the Cave of the Dead: Entrance entrance, take the ramp on the left at the fork in the road and follow the passage. The chest is located near the end of the path, at the bottom of the stairs.
(6) Hi-Potion Cave of the Dead: Passage From the Cave of the Dead: Entrance entrance, take the right path at the fork in the road. The chest is found against the left wall.
(7) Underworld Map Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber Against a pillar, near the Save Point.
(8) Mythril Shard Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber Against the wall beside the Cave of the Dead: Passage entrance.
(9) Hi-Potion Underworld Caverns: Entrance Travel through to Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road. Follow the path to the left until you reach a staircase that leads back to the Entrance. Enter to find the chest on a ledge.
(10) AP Boost Underworld Caverns: Entrance Travel through to Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road. Follow the path to the left until you reach a staircase that leads back to the Entrance. Enter to find the chest on a ledge.
(11) Mythril Shard Underworld Caverns: Entrance From the Underworld Entrance entrance, drop off the far right of the platform to find the chest on a small ledge.
(12) Hi-Potion Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road From the Underworld Caverns: Entrance entrance, follow the left path to find the chest against a pile of rocks.
(13) Ether Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road From the Underworld Caverns: Entrance entrance, follow the path to the right to find the chest against the wall.
(14) Mythril Shard Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road When facing the Underworld Caverns: Atrium entrance, take the path on the right to find the chest against a wall.
(15) Mythril Stone Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road Follow the path past the staircase to the Underworld Caverns: Entrance to find the chest against the wall.
(16) Tent Underworld Caverns: Atrium From the Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road entrance, follow the wall to the right to find the chest in an alcove.
(17) AP Boost Underworld Caverns: Atrium Follow the main path until you reach a small flight of stone stairs. The chest is on a ledge to the right, accessible by jumping.
(18) Caverns Map The Lock Against the wall in the Southwest.
(19) Mythril Shard The Lock Against the wall in the Northwest.
(20) AP Boost The Lock Against the wall in the East.

Agrabah[edit | edit source]

Agrabah: Near the Peddler's Shop.
Agrabah: In the alley to the left of the Palace entrance.
Agrabah: At the top of the stairs near the Peddler's Shop.
Agrabah: In the alley to the left of the Palace entrance.
Agrabah: In the higher levels of the West part of the map.
Agrabah: At the top of the stairs next to the Peddler's Shop.
Agrabah: In the alley to the left of the Palace entrance.
Bazaar: In the far East part of the map.
Bazaar: Near the bottom of the staircase.
Bazaar: In the South part of the map.
Bazaar: In the South part of the map.
Bazaar: In the South part of the map.
Palace Walls: Right of the Cave of Wonders entrance.
Palace Walls: Behind the Save Point.
The Cave of Wonders: Entrance: Left of the Valley of Stone entrance.
The Cave of Wonders: Entrance: Right of the Valley of Stone entrance.
The Cave of Wonders: Valley of Stone: In front of the entrance tunnel.
The Cave of Wonders: Valley of Stone: Along the South side of the room.
The Cave of Wonders: Valley of Stone: Along the South side of the room.
The Cave of Wonders: Valley of Stone: Along the North side of the room.
The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges: Behind the Warp Point.
The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges: Behind the Save Point.
The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room: In the Northwestern corner of the map.
The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room: In the Northeastern corner of the map.
Ruined Chamber: Opposite the Save Point.
Ruined Chamber: Next to the Save Point.
# Item Location Notes
(1) Drive Recovery Agrabah Directly opposite the Mythril Shard chest near the Peddler's Shop.
(2) Mythril Shard Agrabah In the alley to the left of the Palace entrance. Against a wall at the top of the three ledges on the South.
(3) Hi-Potion Agrabah At the top of the stairs near the Peddler's Shop entrance.
(4) AP Boost Agrabah Near the alley to the left of the Palace entrance. Accessed by climbing the three ledges on the South side of the alley and dropping down to the smaller ledge, where the chest sits in the corner.
(5) Mythril Stone Agrabah In a corner of the higher levels in the West, near the Bazaar entrance.
(6) Mythril Shard Agrabah At the top of the stairs next to the Peddler's Shop, on the right of the Bazaar entrance.
(7) Mega Ether Agrabah On a ledge in the alley to the left of the Palace entrance.
(8) Mythril Gem Bazaar On top of a high ledge in the far East.
(9) Hi-Potion Bazaar Near the bottom of the staircase.
(10) Hi-Potion Bazaar Among the merchant booths in the South.
(11) AP Boost Bazaar Among the merchant booths in the South.
(12) Mythril Shard Bazaar Among the merchant booths in the South.
(13) Skill Ring Palace Walls To the right of the Cave of Wonders entrance.
(14) Mythril Stone Palace Walls On top of a pile of boxes behind the Save Point.
(15) Drive Recovery The Cave of Wonders: Entrance To the left of the Valley of Stone entrance.
(16) Mythril Shard The Cave of Wonders: Entrance To the right of the Valley of Stone entrance.
(17) Mythril Stone The Cave of Wonders: Valley of Stone On a purple ledge just in front of the entrance tunnel.
(18) AP Boost The Cave of Wonders: Valley of Stone On a purple ledge along the South side of the room.
(19) Mythril Shard The Cave of Wonders: Valley of Stone On a tall blue ledge along the South side of the room.
(20) Hi-Potion The Cave of Wonders: Valley of Stone On a purple ledge along the North side of the room.
(21) Cave of Wonders Map The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges Behind the Warp Point.
(22) AP Boost The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges Behind the Save Point.
(23) AP Boost The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room Not accessible on first visit.

In the Northwest corner of the area.

(24) Serenity Shard The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room Not accessible on first visit.

In the Northeast corner of the area.

(25) Torn Pages Ruined Chamber Opposite the Save Point.
(26) Ruins Map Ruined Chamber Next to the Save Point.

Land of Dragons[edit | edit source]

Bamboo Grove: Right of the tallest rock.
Bamboo Grove: Right of the save point.
Bamboo Grove: Left of the tallest rock.
Checkpoint: On the North side of the stream.
Checkpoint: Behind the wagon.
Mountain Trail: At the top of the path leading to the Checkpoint.
Mountain Trail: From the Village, follow the path right.
Mountain Trail: From the Village, follow the path right.
Mountain Trail: From the Checkpoint, follow the path right and up the stairs.
Village Cave: Behind a rickshaw.
Village Cave: Against the Eastern side of the entrance path.
Ridge: Behind the wind vortex.
Ridge: In the Northern part of the map.
Throne Room: To the right of the throne.
Throne Room: To the left of the throne.
Throne Room: On the right of the throne platform stairs.
Throne Room: At the bottom of the throne platform stairs.
Throne Room: On the right of the throne platform stairs.
Throne Room: At the bottom of the throne platform stairs.
Throne Room: On a ledge behind the throne.
Throne Room: On a ledge behind the throne.
# Item Location Notes
(1) Hi-Potion Bamboo Grove To the right of the tallest rock.
(2) Ether Bamboo Grove To the right of the Save Point.
(3) Mythril Shard Bamboo Grove To the left of the tallest rock.
(4) Hi-Potion Checkpoint In a corner on the North side of the stream, against the wooden fence.
(5) Mythril Shard Checkpoint Behind the wagon near the Imperial Square entrance.
(6) Hi-Potion Mountain Trail At the top of the path leading to the Checkpoint entrance.
(7) Recovery Recipe Mountain Trail From the Village entrance, follow the path right to find a ledge that holds the chest.
(8) Ether Mountain Trail From the Village entrance, follow the path right to find a ledge that holds the chest.
(9) Mythril Shard Mountain Trail From the Checkpoint entrance, follow the path right and up the stairs to find the chest on a ledge.
(10) AP Boost Village Cave Behind a rickshaw against the Western side of the entrance path.
(11) Hi-Potion Village Cave Against the Eastern side of the entrance path.
(12) Hi-Potion Ridge Behind the wind vortex.
(13) AP Boost Ridge Among the rickshaw gathering in the North.
(14) Torn Pages Throne Room Not accessible on first visit.

On the ledge to the right of the throne.

(15) Palace Map Throne Room Not accessible on first visit.

On the ledge to the left of the throne.

(16) AP Boost Throne Room Not accessible on first visit.

On the right when facing the stairs snaking East off the throne platform.

(17) Queen Recipe Throne Room Not accessible on first visit.

At the bottom of the stairs snaking East off the throne platform.

(18) AP Boost Throne Room Not accessible on first visit.

On the right when facing the stairs snaking East off the throne platform.

(19) Ogre Shield Throne Room Not accessible on first visit.

At the bottom of the stairs snaking West off the throne platform.

(20) Mythril Crystal Throne Room Not accessible on first visit.

On a ledge, behind the wall that is behind the throne.

(21) Orichalcum Throne Room Not accessible on first visit.

On a ledge, behind the wall that is behind the throne.

100 Acre Wood[edit | edit source]

Pooh's House: At the end of the path.
Pooh's House: To the right of the house.
Pooh's House: To the right of the house.
Piglet's House: To the right of the house.
Piglet's House: Against the left side of the house.
Piglet's House: To the left of the house.
Rabbit's House: Behind Rabbit's washing line.
Rabbit's House: Along the outside of the pumpkin patch fence.
Rabbit's House: In the pumpkin patch.
Kanga's House: Against the left side of the house.
Kanga's House: On the far right of the house.
Kanga's House: Against the right side of the house.
Spooky Cave: In the center of the first patch of ice.
Spooky Cave: On the right path in the room with the second bee attack.
Spooky Cave: On the left path in the room with the second bee attack.
Spooky Cave: On the third path in the room with the second bee attack.
Spooky Cave: On the third path in the room with the second bee attack.
Spooky Cave: On a patch of ice before you rescue Pooh.
Starry Hill: Over the bridge.
Starry Hill: At the back of the hill.
# Item Location Notes
(1) 100 Acre Wood Map Pooh's House At the end of the path.
(2) AP Boost Pooh's House To the right of the back side of the house.
(3) Mythril Stone Pooh's House To the right of the back side of the house.
(4) Defense Boost Piglet's House On top of a tree stump to the right of the house.
(5) AP Boost Piglet's House Leaning against the left side of the house.
(6) Mythril Gem Piglet's House In front of a tree stump to the left of the house.
(7) Draw Ring Rabbit's House Behind Rabbit's washing line.
(8) Mythril Crystal Rabbit's House In a corner, along the outside of the pumpkin patch fence.
(9) AP Boost Rabbit's House In the pumpkin patch.
(10) Magic Boost Kanga's House Against the left side of the house.
(11) AP Boost Kanga's House On the far right of the house, in front of a tree stump.
(12) Orichalcum Kanga's House Against the right side of the house.
(13) Mythril Gem Spooky Cave In the center of the first patch of ice.
(14) AP Boost Spooky Cave At the end of the first path on the right in the room with the second bee attack.
(15) Orichalcum Spooky Cave At the end of the first path on the left in the room with the second bee attack.
(16) Guard Recipe Spooky Cave Along the third path in the room with the second bee attack.
(17) Mythril Crystal Spooky Cave Along the third path in the room with the second bee attack.
(18) AP Boost Spooky Cave On a patch of ice just before you rescue Pooh.
(19) Cosmic Ring Starry Hill Over the bridge, amongst the bushes.
(20) Style Recipe Starry Hill At the back of the right side of the hill.

Pride Lands[edit | edit source]

Gorge: Beside the steaming pool.
Gorge: Against the Eastern wall.
Gorge: Against the Northern wall.
Elephant Graveyard: From the Gorge, follow the wall on the left.
Elephant Graveyard: On the ledge near the Savannah entrance.
Elephant Graveyard: Beside the Savannah entrance.
Elephant Graveyard: From the Gorge, follow the wall on the right.
Elephant Graveyard: From the Savannah, follow the left path.
Pride Rock: In front of Pride Rock.
Pride Rock: Underneath Pride Rock.
Pride Rock: Against a wall in the North.
Wildebeest Valley: Near the Northern end of the map.
Wildebeest Valley: Near the Southern end of the map.
Wildebeest Valley: Against the Western wall.
Wildebeest Valley: Against the Western wall.
Wildebeest Valley: Left when facing the Wastelands entrance.
Wastelands: Near the center of the map.
Wastelands: Near the center of the map.
Wastelands: Just before the entrance to the Jungle.
Jungle: On the ledge near the Wastelands entrance.
Jungle: From the Oasis, follow the path left.
Jungle: Opposite the entrance to the Wastelands.
Oasis: In the Southwest corner of the map.
Oasis: In the far East of the map.
Oasis: On the ledge in the North.
# Item Location Notes
(1) Savannah Map Gorge Beside the steaming pool.
(2) Ether Gorge Against the Eastern wall, opposite the Save Point.
(3) Mythril Stone Gorge Against the Northern wall, opposite the Save Point.
(4) Hi-Potion Elephant Graveyard From the Gorge entrance, follow the wall on the left to find the chest against a rock.
(5) Mythril Stone Elephant Graveyard On the ledge near the Savannah entrance, near the giant elephant skull.
(6) Ether Elephant Graveyard Beside the Savannah entrance.
(7) AP Boost Elephant Graveyard From the Gorge entrance, follow the wall on the right to find the chest down the path.
(8) Mythril Shard Elephant Graveyard From the Savannah entrance, follow the left path to find the chest in a corner, beside a bone.
(9) Pride Rock Map Pride Rock Against the cliff edge in front of Pride Rock.
(10) Mythril Stone Pride Rock Against the wall underneath Pride Rock.
(11) Mega Ether Pride Rock Follow the edge of the map to find the chest against a wall in the North.
(12) Hi-Potion Wildebeest Valley In front of a rock near the Northern end of the area, opposite the Savannah entrance.
(13) AP Boost Wildebeest Valley In front of a rock near the Southern end of the area, opposite the Wastelands entrance.
(14) Mythril Gem Wildebeest Valley Against the Western wall of the area, nearer the Wastelands entrance.
(15) Mythril Stone Wildebeest Valley Against the Western wall of the area, nearer the Savannah entrance.
(16) Tent Wildebeest Valley To the left when facing the Wastelands entrance, in the corner by a tree.
(17) Mythril Shard Wastelands Against the cliff edge, near the center of the map.
(18) Hi-Potion Wastelands Against the rock wall, near the center of the map.
(19) Mythril Stone Wastelands Against the rock wall just before the Jungle entrance.
(20) Serenity Stone Jungle In front of a collection of ant hills, on the ledge near the Wastelands entrance.
(21) Mythril Stone Jungle From the Oasis entrance, follow the path left to find the chest in front of a tree.
(22) Hi-Potion Jungle Beside a tree directly opposite the Wastelands entrance.
(23) Oasis Map Oasis In the Southwest corner of the map.
(24) Torn Pages Oasis In front of a tree in the far East.
(25) AP Boost Oasis On the small ledge with the waterfall in the North.

Disney Castle[edit | edit source]

Courtyard: Beside the pig playing the french horn.
Courtyard: On the highest ledge of the castle.
Courtyard: Behind the cow playing the cymbals.
Courtyard: Behind the pig playing the trumpet.
Courtyard: Behind the cow playing the flute.
Courtyard: Behind the topiary castle.
Courtyard: Beside the dog playing the trombone.
Library: In the Northeast corner of the room.
# Item Location Notes
(1) Mythril Shard Courtyard On the ledge beside the topiary of the pig playing the french horn.
(2) Star Recipe Courtyard On the highest ledge of the topiary castle that houses the Gummi Hangar entrance.
(3) AP Boost Courtyard On the ledge in the corner behind the topiary of the cow playing the cymbals.
(4) Mythril Stone Courtyard On the ledge behind the topiary of the pig playing the trumpet.
(5) Ether Courtyard On the ledge behind the topiary of the cow playing the flute.
(6) Hi-Potion Courtyard Behind the topiary castle that houses the Gummi Hangar entrance.
(7) Mythril Shard Courtyard On the ledge beside the topiary of the dog playing the trombone.
(8) Torn Pages Library In the Northeast corner of the room.

Timeless River[edit | edit source]

Cornerstone Hill: In the Southwest.
Cornerstone Hill: In the Northwest.
Pier: In the Northeast.
Pier: In the Southwest.
Waterway: Against the wall near the Wharf sign.
Waterway: Beside the river edge.
Waterway: Beside the windmill.
# Item Location Notes
(1) Cornerstone Hill Map Cornerstone Hill On the ledge in the Southwest.
(2) Drive Recovery Cornerstone Hill Against the fence in the Northwest.
(3) Mythril Shard Pier In front of a tree in the Northeast.
(4) Hi-Potion Pier Under the tree in the Southwest.
(5) Mythril Stone Waterway Against the wall near the sign for the Wharf entrance.
(6) AP Boost Waterway Beside the river edge in the Northernmost part of the area.
(7) Hi-Potion Waterway Beside the windmill near the Pier entrance.

Halloween Town[edit | edit source]

Graveyard: In the middle of the fork in the road.
Graveyard: Right of the entrance to Curly Hill.
Dr. Finkelstein's Lab: Beside Finkelstein's notebook.
Halloween Town Square: Right of the gates with presents behind them.
Halloween Town Square: Beside the Guillotine.
Hinterlands: In the Northwestern part of the map.
Hinterlands: On the right when facing the entrance to Yuletide Hill.
Hinterlands: In the Eastern side of the area.
Candy Cane Lane: In the Southwestern corner of the map.
Candy Cane Lane: East of the entrance to Yuletide Hill.
Candy Cane Lane: Right of the entrance to Christmas Tree Plaza.
Candy Cane Lane: Right of the entrance to Santa's House.
Santa's House: Beside Santa's chair
Santa's House: To the right when facing the Save Point.
# Item Location Notes
(1) Hi-Potion Graveyard Against the wall in the middle of the fork in the road.
(2) Mythril Shard Graveyard On the right of the Curly Hill entrance.
(3) Halloween Town Map Dr. Finkelstein's Lab Beside Finkelstein's notebook.
(4) Mythril Stone Halloween Town Square On the right of the gates with the pile of presents behind them.
(5) Mega-Potion Halloween Town Square Beside the guillotine.
(6) Hi-Potion Hinterlands Between two trees in the Northwest.
(7) Mythril Stone Hinterlands On the right when facing the Yuletide Hill entrance, against the edge of the map.
(8) AP Boost Hinterlands In the East, behind a tree.
(9) Hi-Potion Candy Cane Lane On a snowy ledge in the Southwest corner of the area.
(10) Mythril Gem Candy Cane Lane East of the Yuletide Hill entrance, on a ledge.
(11) Ether Candy Cane Lane To the right of the Christmas Tree Plaza entrance.
(12) Mythril Stone Candy Cane Lane To the right of the Santa's House entrance.
(13) Christmas Town Map Santa's House Beside Santa's chair, in front of the window that looks out on his sleigh.
(14) AP Boost Santa's House To the right of the Save Point.

Port Royal[edit | edit source]

Rampart: Left of the Save Point.
Rampart: In front of the entrance to the Town.
Rampart: To the right of the stair platform.
Town: At the end of the alley near the entrance to the Harbor.
Town: Take the stairs near the Rampart entrance and destroy the boxes to expose an alley. Destroy the boxes at other end of this alley.
Town: Take the stairs near the Rampart entrance and destroy the boxes.
Town: Destroy the boxes on the Northern side of the alley.
Isla de Muerta: Cave Mouth: Along the Western edge of the map.
Isla de Muerta: Cave Mouth: Along the Western edge of the map.
Isla de Muerta: Powder Store: Behind the crates on the Northeastern side of the path.
Isla de Muerta: Powder Store: Behind the explosive crates on the Western side of the path.
Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook: By the river.
Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook: In the Northeastern corner of the map.
Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook: Against the Western wall.
Ship Graveyard: The Interceptor's Hold: To the right when facing the Save Point.
Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep: In the corner on the lowest level of the area.
Ship's Graveyard: Seadrift Keep: Along the ramp that connects the upper and lower levels of the area.
Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep: Along the Southern wall of the top level.
Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Row: Just before the bridge.
Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Row: In front of the circular walkway.
Ship's Graveyard: Seadrift Row: Near the entrance to Seadrift Keep.
# Item Location Notes
(1) Naval Map Rampart Left of the Save Point, beside a cannon.
(2) Mythril Stone Rampart Around the corner in the East, in front of the Town entrance.
(3) Ether Rampart To the right of the stair platform, next to a cannon.
(4) Ether Town At the end of the alley near the Harbor entrance.
(5) AP Boost Town Take the stairs near the Rampart entrance and destroy the boxes to expose an alley. Destroy the boxes at other end of this alley to expose a small alcove with the chest.
(6) Mythril Shard Town Take the stairs near the Rampart entrance and destroy the boxes to find the chest sitting against a building.
(7) Mythril Gem Town Destroy the boxes on the Northern side of the alley near the Harbor entrance to reveal an alcove with the chest.
(8) Ether Isla de Muerta: Cave Mouth Along the Western edge of the area.
(9) Mythril Shard Isla de Muerta: Cave Mouth Along the Western edge of the area.
(10) AP Boost Isla de Muerta: Powder Store Behind the explosive crates on the Northeastern side of the path nearest the Moonlight Nook entrance.
(11) AP Boost Isla de Muerta: Powder Store Behind the explosive crates on the Western side of the path nearest the Cave Mouth entrance.
(12) Mythril Shard Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook By the river in the Southeast.
(13) Ether Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook In the Northeast corner of the area, by the stairs to the Treasure Heap.
(14) Mega-Potion Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook Against the Western wall.
(15) Feather Charm Ship Graveyard: The Interceptor's Hold Not accessible during first visit.

To the right of the Save Point.

(16) AP Boost Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep Not accessible during first visit.

In the corner of the lowest level of the area.

(17) Orichalcum Ship's Graveyard: Seadrift Keep Not accessible during first visit.

Tucked in the corner along the ramp that connects the upper and lower levels of the area.

(18) Meteor Staff Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep Not accessible during first visit.

Along the Southern wall of the top level of the area.

(19) High Drive Recovery Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Row Not accessible during first visit.

Just before the bridge, near the Interceptor's Hold entrance.

(20) King Recipe Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Row Not accessible during first visit.

In front of the circular walkway in the center of the area.

(21) Mythril Crystal Ship's Graveyard: Seadrift Row Not accessible during first visit.

Near the Seadrift Keep entrance, among the debris along the wall.

Space Paranoids[edit | edit source]

Pit Cell: In the middle of the hallway to the Canyon.
Pit Cell: In the middle of the hallway to the Canyon.
Canyon: At the top of the two ramps near the Datascape entrance.
Canyon: In front of the entrance to the Pit Cell.
Canyon: Opposite the elevator to the Hallway.
Canyon: Near the entrance to the Pit Cell.
I/O Tower: Hallway: Directly opposite the Canyon entrance.
I/O Tower: Hallway: To the right when facing the entrance to the Simulation Hangar.
I/O Tower: Communications Room: In the Northeast part of the room.
I/O Tower: Communications Room: In the Southeast part of the room.
Central Computer Mesa: Beside the Computer.
Central Computer Mesa: Beside the Computer.
Central Computer Mesa: Opposite the Save Point.
Central Computer Mesa: Opposite the Save Point.
# Item Location Notes
(1) Pit Cell Area Map Pit Cell Only accessible after the door is opened.

In the middle of the hallway that leads to the Canyon.

(2) Mythril Crystal Pit Cell Only accessible after the door is opened.

In the middle of the hallway that leads to the Canyon.

(3) Mega-Potion Canyon At the very top of the two ramps near the Datascape entrance.
(4) Mythril Stone Canyon At the top of the ramp in front of the Pit Cell entrance.
(5) Mythril Gem Canyon In the corner opposite the elevator to the Hallway.
(6) Drive Recovery Canyon Near the Pit Cell entrance, beside the door to the central room of the area.
(7) Tent I/O Tower: Hallway Against the wall, directly opposite the Canyon entrance.
(8) AP Boost I/O Tower: Hallway To the right when facing the Simulation Hangar entrance.
(9) I/O Tower Map I/O Tower: Communications Room In the Northeast part of the room.
(10) Gaia Belt I/O Tower: Communications Room In the Southeast part of the room.
(11) AP Boost Central Computer Mesa Not accessible during first visit.

Beside the computer.

(12) Orichalcum+ Central Computer Mesa Not accessible during first visit.

Beside the computer.

(13) Cosmic Arts Central Computer Mesa Not accessible during first visit.

Opposite the Save Point.

(14) Central Computer Core Map Central Computer Mesa Not accessible during first visit.

Opposite the Save Point.

The World That Never Was[edit | edit source]

Fragment Crossing: When entering from the Alley to Between, follow the path.
Fragment Crossing: When entering from the Alley to Between, follow the path.
Fragment Crossing: From the Alley to Between, follow the path to the area with the wires in the ground and look opposite the entrance to this area.
Fragment Crossing: From the Alley to Between, follow the path to the area with wires in the ground. The chest is to the left.
Memory's Skyscraper: Against the wall West of the skyscraper.
Memory's Skyscraper: In the Northeast corner of the map.
Memory's Skyscraper: Left of the entrance to The Brink of Despair.
The Brink of Despair: Beside the Moogle's Shop.
The Brink of Despair: In the Northwestern corner of the map.
Nothing's Call: Left of the entrance to Crooked Ascension.
Nothing's Call: At the top of the first ramp when entering from the Brink of Despair.
Twilight's View: By the Save Point.
Naught's Skyway: Nnear the entrance to the Hall of Empty Memories.
Naught's Skyway: In the middle of the map.
Naught's Skyway: At the bottom of the ramp to the Hall of Empty Melodies.
Ruin and Creation's Passage: On the second landing.
Ruin and Creation's Passage: On the third landing.
Ruin and Creation's Passage: On the fourth landing.
Ruin and Creation's Passage: By the entrance to the Altar of Naught.
# Item Location Notes
(1) Mythril Stone Fragment Crossing From the Alley to Between entrance, follow the path to find the chest in a corner.
(2) Mythril Crystal Fragment Crossing From the Alley to Between entrance, follow the path to find the chest in a corner.
(3) AP Boost Fragment Crossing From the Alley to Between entrance, follow the path to the end of the black road and into the area with the wires in the ground. The chest is on a ledge opposite the entrance into this area.
(4) Orichalcum Fragment Crossing From the Alley to Between entrance, follow the path to the end of the black road and into the area with the wires in the ground. The chest is on a ledge to the left of the entrance into this area.
(5) Mythril Crystal Memory's Skyscraper Against the wall to the West of the skyscraper.
(6) AP Boost Memory's Skyscraper In the Northeast corner, in front of an overturned truck.
(7) Mythril Stone Memory's Skyscraper To the left of the The Brink of Despair entrance.
(8) Dark City Map The Brink of Despair Beside the Moogle Shop.
(9) Orichalcum+ The Brink of Despair On a ledge in the Northwestern corner of the area.
(10) Mythril Gem Nothing's Call To the left of the Crooked Ascension entrance.
(11) Orichalcum Nothing's Call From the Brink of Despair entrance, take the first ramp to find a small ledge at the top that holds the chest.
(12) Cosmic Belt Twilight's View On the same landing as the Save Point.
(13) Mythril Gem Naught's Skyway Along the wall, near the Hall of Empty Memories entrance.
(14) Orichalcum Naught's Skyway On a tall ledge in the middle of the area.
(15) Mythril Crystal Naught's Skyway On the landing at the bottom of the ramp that leads up to the Hall of Empty Melodies.
(16) Mythril Stone Ruin and Creation's Passage On the second landing when entering from Naught's Approach.
(17) AP Boost Ruin and Creation's Passage On a small ledge on the third landing.
(18) Mythril Crystal Ruin and Creation's Passage On the fourth landing when entering from Naught's Approach.
(19) Orichalcum Ruin and Creation's Passage On the same landing as the Altar of Naught entrance.