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Walkthrough:Kingdom Hearts III/San Fransokyo

From Kingdom Hearts Database
San Fransokyo

Collectibles[edit | edit source]

Breakable and Interactive Items[edit | edit source]

Lucky Emblems[edit | edit source]

See also: Kingdom Hearts III Lucky Emblem Locations
Hiro's Garage: Hanging on the wall.
The City / South District: Climb to the top of the chef and look East.
The City / South District: Climb the building behind the Save Point and look across to see a blue sign with the emblem on its front.
The City / South District: Climb to the aerial of the "M" building. Look straight to see a statue holding a fan.
The City / Central District: From the South District Save Point, head North. When you reach the East running freeway, climb the buildings and head for the Southeast corner. The emblem is on the side of the dome.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
The City / Central District: From the South District Save Point, head North to the building wrapped in blue light. Climb to the top of the building.
The City / Central District: Climb the building South of the Save Point. Airstep onto the blue flying fish in the North.
The City / North District: From the Save Point, head Northwest, through the grassy area and then West to a staircase. The emblem is stretched across the stairs.
The City / North District: Climb onto the train tracks. Follow the tracks East to find the emblem on the wall of the tunnel.
The City / North District: Walk down the alley on the Northern side of the train tracks to find a yellow car with the emblem on its side.
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
The City / Central District: From the South District Save Point, head North to a building wrapped in blue light. Climb the building then look North. Airstep across to the plane light.

Treasure[edit | edit source]

See also: Kingdom Hearts III Treasure Locations
The City / Central District: Head to the circular building Southwest of the Save.
The City / South District: Continue until the East-West running freeway, then head Southeast to the curved blue building.
The City / South District: Follow the freeway ramp past three buildings. The chest is between the buildings in the West.
The City / South District: Head to the Western side of the map then follow to the beginning of a freeway.
The City / North District: Head Northwest then ride the train tracks until they connect with a building. Jump off the Southern side of the tracks.
The City / North District: Head to the building in the far Northeast.
The City / South District: Head North until the second building next to the freeway ramp. The chest is on the Western side of this building.
The City / Central District: Head North until the East-West freeway. Head West to the building closest to the map edge.
The City / Central District: Continue to the East-West freeway, then head Northeast to a building wrapped in blue. Wall-run up to the billboard, then wall-run up the Eastern wall.
The City / North District: From the Save, head West to where the train tunnel ends. The chest is on the Southern side of the tracks.
The City / South District: From the Save, head North four buildings and then West to the building closest to the map edge.
The City / South District: From the Save, head North four buildings and then West to the building closest to the map edge.
The City / North District: Underneath the Western end of the train tracks.
The City / North District: Head to the building in the Northwest map corner.
The City / North District: Head to the buildings Northwest of the train building. Climb up the Northeast corner of this block.
The City / Central District: Continue until the East-West freeway. Climb the Southeast corner of the building closest to the map edge.
The City / Central District: Head to the buildings just past the East-West freeway. Climb the Northeast corner of this block.
The City / South District: From the Save, head North four buildings then West to the building closest to the map edge.
The City / North District: Head to the cone-like building Northwest of the Save.
The City / South District: Head Southeast of the Save.
The City / South District: Head around the closest building and into the alley on its North side.
The City / North District: Next to the Save.
The City / Central District: Continue until the East-West freeway. Head East then North, into an area with an awning.
The City / Central District: On the billboard landing on the building wrapped in blue strips of light.
The City / Central District: Head to the freeway and ride it North. At the Central District, jump off the left side.
The City / Central District: Head to the buildings just past the East-West freeway. Walk down the road between this block, hugging the Eastern wall.
The City / South District: On the archway over the freeway with the sushi chef.
The City / North District: On a ledge halfway up the train building.
The City / North District: Head to the buildings just past the freeway. Hug the Southern side of this block.
The City / Central District: Head to the building Southwest of the Save and climb to its top.
The City / South District: Climb the building next to the Save and head to the billboards.
The City / North District: Head to the buildings just past the freeway. Hug the Southern side of this block.
The City / North District: Climb the train building then drop down the Western side.
The City / Central District: Head to the block just past the East-West freeway. Climb the Northwest corner of this block.
The City / South District: Head to the building with the M stamps and climb it.
The City / Central District: From the South Save, head North then East to a pillar decorated with advertisements. Climb the nearest building, jump off, and attack when prompted.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Heartless[edit | edit source]

Map[edit | edit source]

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

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