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From Kingdom Hearts Database

Command Meld (コマンドチャージ Komando Chāji?, lit. "Command Charge") is a gameplay mechanic exclusive to Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. By combining two Deck Commands together to make a new Deck Command and adding an ore for abilities, it replaces the ideas of both Item Synthesis and leveling for abilities used in previous titles. This system is based off of Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-'s Materia Fusion mechanic. While some Commands are used solely for ingredients, higher-level Commands are only possible through Command Melding. Only two Deck Commands can be melded together to make a recipe, which can be combined with only one ore.


Attaching an ore to a recipe will add an ability to the resulting Deck Command. While ores cannot influence the resulting Deck Command, Secret Gems will cause the resulting Deck Command to be leveled up completely.

Shimmering Crystal KHBBS.png
Fleeting Crystal KHBBS.png
Power Crystal KHII.png
Energy Crystal KHII.png
Bright Crystal KHII.png
Serenity Crystal KHII.png
Abounding Crystal KHBBS.png
Chaos Crystal KHBBS.png
Secret Gem KHBBS.png

Fire Boost

Blizzard Boost

Thunder Boost

Cure Boost

Fire Screen

Blizzard Screen

Thunder Screen

Dark Screen

All abilities possible

All abilities possible

List of Recipes

Action Recipe Block Recipe Attack Recipe Magic Recipe Mega Attack Recipe Mega Magic Recipe Giga Attack Recipe Giga Magic Recipe

Page Name: EXP Walker

Example 1b

Abounding Crystal KHBBS.png Abounding Abounding Crystal KHBBS.png
Result Command 1 + Command 2
Ars Arcanum [1] Cura (LV2) + Poison Edge (LV2)
[2]Blizzara (LV2) + Quick Blitz (LV2)
Bio Barrage [3] Fira (LV3) + Fira (LV3)

Example 2a

Abounding Crystal KHBBS.png Abounding Abounding Crystal KHBBS.png
Command 1 + Command 2 Result
Fira (LV3) + Fira (LV3) Firaga[4]
Raging Storm[5]
Fission Firaga (LV4) + Firaga Burst (LV5) Raging Storm

Notes and References

  1. 5% chance of transforming into Slot Edge.
  2. 5% chance of transforming into Blizzard Edge.
  3. 90% chance of transforming into Raging Storm.
  4. 90% chance
  5. 10% chance

Notes and References

J/L List

By Command Levels

  • Glide (LV1) + Firaga (LV4) = Fire Glide (Ventus)
  • Stun Edge (LV2) + Binding Strike (LV2) = Wishing Edge (Aqua)
  • Fira (LV3) + Fira (LV3) = Firaga (Terra/Ventus)
  • Fira (LV3) + Fira (LV3) = Firaga 90%/Raging Storm 10% (Aqua)
  • Firaga (LV3) + Firaga (LV3) = Triple Firaga 90%/Raging Storm 10% (Aqua)
  • Stopga (LV3) + Firaga (LV3) = Crawling Fire (Terra/Ventus)
  • Stopga (LV3) + Firaga (LV3) = Crawling Fire 80%/Firaga Burst 20% (Aqua)
  • Thundara (LV3) + Thundara (LV3) = Thundaga 90%/Lightning Ray 10% (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Magnera (LV3) + Magnera (LV3) = Magnega (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Aeroga (LV3) + Firaga (LV3) = Fission Firaga (Terra/Ventus)
  • Aeroga (LV3) + Firaga (LV3) = Fission Firaga 80%/Firaga Burst 20% (Aqua)
  • Stopra (LV3) + Stopra (LV3) = Stopga (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Binding Strike (LV3) + Magnega (LV4) = Magnet Spiral (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Firaga (LV4) + Blackout (LV3) = Dark Firaga (Terra)
  • Firaga (LV4) + Cartwheel (LV4) = Firewheel (Aqua)
  • Fission Firaga (LV4) + Cartwheel (LV4) = Firewheel (Aqua)
  • Fission Firaga (LV4) + Crawling Fire (LV4) = Mega Flare (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Magnega (LV4) + Magnega (LV4) = Mini (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Zero Graviga (LV4) + Brutal Blast (LV4) = Quake 90%/Meteor 10% (Terra)
  • Mine Shield (LV4) + Mine Square (LV4) = Seeker Mine (Aqua)
  • Geo Impact (LV5) + Quake (LV5) = Meteor (Terra)
  • Fission Firaga (LV4) + Firaga Burst (LV5) = Raging Storm (Aqua)
  • Dark Haze (LV4) + Warp (LV5) = Sacrifice (Terra)
  • Freeze Raid (LV4) + Magnega (LV4) = Spark Raid (Ventus)
  • Freeze Raid (LV4) + Aeroga (LV4) = Wind Raid (Ventus)
  • Stopga (LV4) + Dark Haze (LV4) = Zantetsuken 80%/Ars Solum 20% (Terra)
  • Dark Haze (LV4) + Sonic Blade (LV5) = Ars Solum 20%/Chaos Blade 80% (Terra)
  • Zero Graviga (LV4) + Magnet Spiral (LV5) = Transcendence (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)

Alphabetical by result (kinda)

  • Stopga (LV4) + Dark Haze (LV4) = Ars Solum 20%/Zantetsuken 80% (Terra)
  • Dark Haze (LV4) + Sonic Blade (LV5) = Ars Solum 20%/Chaos Blade 80% (Terra)
  • Dark Haze (LV4) + Sonic Blade (LV5) = Chaos Blade 80%/Ars Solum 20% (Terra)
  • Stopga (LV3) + Firaga (LV3) = Crawling Fire (Terra/Ventus)
  • Firaga (LV4) + Blackout (LV3) = Dark Firaga (Terra)
  • Fira (LV3) + Fira (LV3) = Firaga (Terra/Ventus)
  • Fira (LV3) + Fira (LV3) = Firaga 90%/Raging Storm 10% (Aqua)
  • Stopga (LV3) + Firaga (LV3) = Firaga Burst 20%/Crawling Fire 80% (Aqua)
  • Aeroga (LV3) + Firaga (LV3) = Firaga Burst 20%/Fission Firaga 80% (Aqua)
  • Glide (LV1) + Firaga (LV4) = Fire Glide (Ventus)
  • Firaga (LV4) + Cartwheel (LV4) = Firewheel (Aqua)
  • Fission Firaga (LV4) + Cartwheel (LV4) = Firewheel (Aqua)
  • Aeroga (LV3) + Firaga (LV3) = Fission Firaga (Terra/Ventus)
  • Aeroga (LV3) + Firaga (LV3) = Fission Firaga 80%/Firaga Burst 20% (Aqua)
  • Thundara (LV3) + Thundara (LV3) = Lightning Ray 10%/Thundaga 90% (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Magnera (LV3) + Magnera (LV3) = Magnega (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Binding Strike (LV3) + Magnega (LV4) = Magnet Spiral (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Fission Firaga (LV4) + Crawling Fire (LV4) = Mega Flare (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Zero Graviga (LV4) + Brutal Blast (LV4) = Meteor 10%/Quake 90% (Terra)
  • Geo Impact (LV5) + Quake (LV5) = Meteor (Terra)
  • Magnega (LV4) + Magnega (LV4) = Mini (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Zero Graviga (LV4) + Brutal Blast (LV4) = Quake 90%/Meteor 10% (Terra)
  • Mine Shield (LV4) + Mine Square (LV4) = Seeker Mine (Aqua)
  • Fission Firaga (LV4) + Firaga Burst (LV5) = Raging Storm (Aqua)
  • Firaga (LV3) + Firaga (LV3) = Raging Storm 10%/Triple Firaga 90% (Aqua)
  • Fira (LV3) + Fira (LV3) = Raging Storm 10%/Firaga 90% (Aqua)
  • Dark Haze (LV4) + Warp (LV5) = Sacrifice (Terra)
  • Freeze Raid (LV4) + Magnega (LV4) = Spark Raid (Ventus)
  • Stopra (LV3) + Stopra (LV3) = Stopga (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Thundara (LV3) + Thundara (LV3) = Thundaga 90%/Lightning Ray 10%/Thundaga 90% (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Zero Graviga (LV4) + Magnet Spiral (LV5) = Transcendence (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)
  • Firaga (LV3) + Firaga (LV3) = Triple Firaga 90%/Raging Storm 10% (Aqua)
  • Freeze Raid (LV4) + Aeroga (LV4) = Wind Raid (Ventus)
  • Stun Edge (LV2) + Binding Strike (LV2) = Wishing Edge (Aqua)
  • Stopga (LV4) + Dark Haze (LV4) = Zantetsuken 80%/Ars Solum 20% (Terra)

Synthesized Commands (Fire)

Command B End Result
  • Confusion Strike
  • Sliding Dash
Fire Dash
  • Stun Edge
  • Fire Dash
Fire Strike
  • Fire
  • Ignite
  • Fire Strike
  • Fira
Firaga/Raging Storm[1]
  • Bind

Synthesized Commands (Sliding Dash)

Command B End Result
Fire Dash
Stike Raid
Stun Edge/Ars Solum [2]
Blizzard Edge/Ars Arcanum [3]
Poison Edge/Bio Barrage [4]
Confusion Strike
Homing Slide [5]
Payback Raid [6]
Payback Fang [7]
Payback Surge [8]
  1. Firaga has a 10% of turning into Raging Storm (Aqua only).
  2. Stun Edge has a 5% chance of transfroming into Ars Solum (Terra only).
  3. Blizzard Edge has a 5% chance of transfroming into Ars Arcanum (Ventus only).
  4. Poison Edge has a 5% chance of transforming into Bio Barrage.
  5. Ventus and Aqua only.
  6. Ventus only.
  7. Terra only.
  8. Aqua only.
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