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Walkthrough:Kingdom Hearts III/Arendelle

From Kingdom Hearts Database

Collectibles[edit | edit source]

Breakable and Interactive Items[edit | edit source]

Lucky Emblems[edit | edit source]

See also: Kingdom Hearts III Lucky Emblem Locations
The North Mountain / Treescape: From the Save, take the path to the Gorge and continue until a gap opens on the right. Jump off the edge of the mountain and then run to the end of the ledge underneath.
The Labyrinth of Ice / Middle Tier: On the wall in the room with the arch in the center.
The Labyrinth of Ice / Lower Tier: From the rotating room, take the sliding passage and then jump off the edge.
The Labyrinth of Ice / Middle Tier: At the top of the airstepping room, on the wall near the bridge.
The Labyrinth of Ice / Upper Tier: From the elevator, take the Northwest rail. Climb the rocks in the center of the room and look down.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
The North Mountain / Mountain Ridge: From the Gorge Save, wall-run up to the Mountain Ridge.
The North Mountain / Frozen Wall: Head to the Frost Serpent area. Scale the Southwestern wall, run horizontally to the right and jump over the rock wall.
The North Mountain / Frozen Wall: On an ice burst column just before the Mountain Ridge.
The North Mountain / Snowfield: Climb the wall South of the Save and look Northeast.
The North Mountain / Snowfield: From the Save Point, head to the cart in the West. The emblem is in the stack of logs.
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
The North Mountain / Foothills: In the snowstorm area, climb the slope at the bottom of the hill and, near the chest, look over its edge.

Treasure[edit | edit source]

See also: Kingdom Hearts III Treasure Locations
The North Mountain / Treescape: Behind the Moogle Shop.
The North Mountain / Treescape: On a rock in the Northern end of the Save area.
The North Mountain / Treescape: From the Save, take the mountain path until just past the first giant snowball.
The North Mountain / Gorge: From the Save, continue until the wall-run to a ledge, then jump to and run up the wall in the East. Jump to the ledge to the West and wall-run up. Look South and airstep to the farthest icicle.
The North Mountain / Gorge: From the Save, continue until the wall-run to a ledge, then jump to and run up the wall in the East. Head inside the cave.
The North Mountain / Snowfield: Continue from the Save Point until the wall-run up the large wall. At the top of the wall, look Northeast to see a ledge in the distance.
The North Mountain / Snowfield: From the Save, head to the Northwest corner. Destroy the trees.
The North Mountain / Treescape: Take the path to the Gauge. Continue until a gap in the wall opens on the right. Jump off the edge of the mountain and jump attack.
The North Mountain / Snowfield: From the Save, head South until the fall off the cliff. Jump off the West cliff and then jump off the West cliff again. Jump attack when prompted.
The Labyrinth of Ice / Middle Tier: Exit the room with the arch and keep left until the ice blocked entry. Smash the ice.
The Labyrinth of Ice / Upper Tier: In front of the exit portal.
The Labyrinth of Ice / Middle Tier: In the far Northeast room with the airstepping tree.
The Labyrinth of Ice / Upper Tier: In front of the exit portal.
The Labyrinth of Ice / Lower Tier: From the Save, rotate the higher icicle and head through to the new room.
The Labyrinth of Ice / Middle Tier: From Gorge Save, take the elevator and continue until you hit a wall. The chest is on the cliff to the left.
The North Mountain / Valley of Ice: From the Save, jump onto the rocks a short way into the valley.
The North Mountain / Valley of Ice: In the frozen pond area, head to the center of the Eastern wall and jump onto the wall.
The North Mountain / Valley of Ice: From the frozen pond, take the Southwest path and hug the left side.
The North Mountain / Valley of Ice: From the frozen pond, take the Southwest path until it opens. Head to the slope in the Northwest and follow the path to the edge. Look across to see a ledge.
The North Mountain / Valley of Ice: From the frozen pond, continue until the area just past the flowmotion rocks. Head South, jump onto the rock, and look South to see a ledge.
The North Mountain / Frozen Wall: Continue to the bouncing lights area. Reach the ledge with the flowmotion stepping stones and use the bouncing light after, then walk to the edge of this ledge and look East to see a clearing far below.
The North Mountain / Frozen Wall: In a cave right before the twisty path.
The North Mountain / Frozen Wall: Where the two Frost Serpents spawn, run up the wall and veer right until landing on a snowy path.
The North Mountain / Foothills: In the snowstorm area, hug the West wall until the crates next to a Cover Slide rock. Turn around and climb the sloped rock, then jump across to the second rock.
The North Mountain / Foothills: In the second part of the snowstorm area, hug the West wall.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Heartless[edit | edit source]

Nobodies[edit | edit source]

Map[edit | edit source]

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

Arendelle is in the midst of a sudden winter storm when Sora, Donald, and Goofy arrive. Curious about the young woman fleeing the kingdom, Sora, Donald, and Goofy pursue the young Elsa, and soon find the Organization is seeking her, too.