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Kingdom Hearts III at TGS 2018 Coverage

From Kingdom Hearts Database
Kingdom Hearts III at TGS 2018 Coverage
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  • New trailer shows off San Fransokyo world from Big Hero 6.
  • Square Enix announces upcoming virtual reality experience for the Kingdom Hearts series.
  • New gameplay video is show off during multiple panels featuring co-director Tai Yasue.

With a little over 4 months left for the release of the long-awaited Kingdom Hearts III, there's few venues left to show off trailers and make announcements before it's too late. Fortunately for us, that means we'll be receiving news at Tokyo Game Show 2018! Square Enix confirmed their presence at the show earlier this month in their TGS lineup. We'll be keeping our eyes peeled during the event, so don't think twice about coming back for info!

News:Kingdom Hearts III confirmed for Tokyo Game Show 2018

Kingdom Hearts III was confirmed for TGS 2018, with a panel featuring Miyu Irino and Megumi Toyoguchi, Sora and Aqua's voice actors respectively, on September 22nd as part of the Square Enix Presents presentation. No one knows what the presentation will be about, nor what else it may hold. Only time, and the YouTube livestream will tell.

Kingdom Hearts III Shown at Playstation Lineup Tour

A couple of weeks before Tokyo Game Show officially began, A new Kingdom Hearts III trailer was shown at the "Playstation Lineup Tour", a precursor to the event itself. Fans were unsure about the possibility of a trailer at such an event, and much to the surprise of many early-rising fans, Square Enix showed off a one and half minute video premiering the previously announced Big Hero 6 world to the Kingdom Hearts series. With no word on it's development since the concept art reveal at D23 2015, fans were wondering when they'd see the world in a trailer. Fortunately, not only did we receive a trailer, but series director Tetsuya Nomura came through confirming that we'd get an even longer version of the trailer on September 18th, right before the Tokyo Game Show conference begins.

News:Square Enix announces Kingdom Hearts VR Experience

Right after the Big Hero 6 trailer premiered, a virtual-reality experience was announced for Playstation VR. Shortly after the announcement, a third clip announced that two songs from this year's Kingdom Hearts Orchestra -World Tour- performances would be included in the experience, coming winter this year.

Kingdom Hearts III Trailer Uploaded Right Before Tokyo Game Show

It's a few days before Tokyo Game Show, and with Square Enix's promise to upload a trailer at an unknown time on the September 18th, fans were anxiously waiting around the clock for a new video to pop up in their YouTube feed. Finally, at around 1:00 AM EDT, the extended Big Hero 6 trailer released.

Additional gameplay presentations shown off at TGS panels

Additional videos showed off new gameplay for Kingdom Hearts III. The videos, shown off during various panels at Tokyo Game Show, all of which featured co-director Tai Yasue.

On September 22, Square Enix had a panel as part of Square Enix Presents, where they featured extended gameplay in The Caribbean and Toy Box. The footage showed off various Keyblade transformations, Attractions, and attacks with party members like Intercept Jet with Baymax and Rocket Ruckus with Woody and Buzz Lightyear. It also showed off more gameplay with Marshmallow, who was first shown to join your party in the trailer revealed earlier in the week. Links with the Meow Wow Dream Eater and Simba were also shown off, and ends with scenes from both the Gummi Ship battles and the minigame with Remy from Disney/Pixar's Ratatouille. One additional video was shown off, a short thirty-seven second clip showcasing the beginning of a boss fight against Aqua in the Realm of Darkness.

The next day, as part of the PlayStation panel at Tokyo Game Show, Tai Yasue again joined a panel to showcase more gameplay. This time, extended gameplay in both Toy Box and Arendelle was shown off, including what seems to be the entire demo from May's Kingdom Hearts III Premiere Invitation event. This included the fight against a Heartless doll, and showing off both the helium and record player gimmicks in the world. In Arendelle, the gameplay featured the Trinity Sled minigame, with Sora, Donald, and Goofy riding Goofy's shield down the snow-covered mountain, ending in a Heartless battle on a frozen lake.

The final panel, about an hour after the PlayStation panel, was held by Shonen Jump magazine, and once again featured Tai Yasue, but only showed off the condensed demo that has been featured in all the recent gaming events that Kingdom Hearts III has been featured in.

How do you feel about the news and gameplay being shown at this year's Tokyo Game Show?

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