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Limit Form

From Kingdom Hearts Database
"An image of you obtaining old powers flows into your mind."
Yen Sid's mirror
Sora (Limit Form) Lead Image KHIIFM.png

Limit Form (リミットフォーム Rimitto Fōmu?) is the third of Sora's Drive Forms in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, which specializes in Limit attacks. Sora obtains Limit Form after his second visit to Twilight Town. Limit Form's appearance and many of its abilities are callbacks to Sora's appearance and abilites in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

While in most worlds, Limit Form turns Sora's clothes reminiscent of his Kingdom Hearts attire, and a crown decorates the sleeves and front of the pants. When in Limit Form, Sora is always in his battle position with his Keyblade at the ready.

In Halloween Town, Sora's clothes remain unchanged aside from the pumpkin mask, which turns into a heart with four triangle with a red and black checker pattern.

In Christmas Town, Sora's Santa hat and the back of his jacket gain a crown.

In Space Paranoids, the panels on Sora's outfit change to the colors of his Kingdom Hearts clothes: red pants and shirt, the inside of the hood blue, black helmet, black breastplate, black shoulder pads, and grey gloves and sleeves. The blue circuit lights and prongs alternate between gold, crimson, black, and gray. His circuit lights and progs can change color depending on his environment, such as the purple light in I/O Tower. His gloves also sport the Limit Form crown.

In Timeless River, Sora doesn't change appearance, but his health icon gains a dark purple tint.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

In Limit Form, Sora's ground and air combos remain unchanged from his normal form, save for his finishers:

  • During ground combos if enemies surround Sora, he performs Ripple Drive. If there is only a single enemy, he performs Zantetsuken.
    • If there is a single enemy, using a Finishing Plus ability allows Sora to add Ripple Drive to the end of his combo. Then adding multiple Finishing Plus abilities results in Sora alternating between Zantetsuken and Ripple Drive until the combo is completed.
    • If there are multiple enemies, using a Finishing Plus ability allows Sora to add Zantetsuken to the end of his combo. Then adding multiple Finishing Plus abilities results in Sora alternating between Ripple Drive and Zantetsuken until the combo is completed.
  • During aerial combos he performs Hurricane Period. Using a Finishing Plus ability allows Sora to repeat Hurricane Period until the combo is completed.

While in Limit Form, Sora gains the ability to wield special attacks known as "Limits". Magic is replaced by four Limits: Sonic Rave, Last Arcanum, Strike Raid, and Infinity. Sora's shortcuts are replaced by these limits, unless the slot is already taken up by an item.
Circle becomes Sonic Rave
Triangle becomes Last Arcanum
Square becomes Strike Raid
X becomes Infinity

Using this Drive Form costs 4 Drive Gauges to activate. Sora can activate Limit Form regardless of the status of his party members, and his party members will only disappear when using a Limit. Like all other Drive Forms, Limit Form's abilities cannot be unequipped, and all action and movement abilities do not carry over to Limit Form. Abilities that affect combos like Combo Plus, Negative Combo, Air Combo Plus, Combo Boost, and Finishing Plus don't affect Limit Form's Limits. All hits of Sora's Limits count as Finish Commands, and can deal the final blow to bosses. Sora gains 1 point toward Antiform every time he transforms into Limit Form.

Visual Ability Description Notes
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Sonic Rave A Limit Command that unleashes an attack on an enemy as you pass by. Press Triangle at the right tempo for a combo.
MP Cost: 60
Sora dashes through the enemy once, then an additional five times by pressing TriangleRave, then one more powerful thrust with TriangleFinish. This is the only one of Sora's four Limits that grant him temporary invincibility while using.
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Last Arcanum A Limit Command that unleashes a powerful combo attack. Press Triangle for a consecutive combo.
MP Cost: 75
Sora performs an initial seven-hit combo, and up to six more strikes can be executed with TriangleBash. Then, a final powerful attack TriangleThe End results in the 13th hit. Unlike in Kingdom Hearts, Sora doesn't gain temporary invincibility while using Last Arcanum.
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Strike Raid A Limit Command that allows you to throw the Keyblade at the target. Press Triangle for a combo.
MP Cost: 65
Sora throws the Keyblade once, then an additional three times by pressing TriangleToss, then he can use a finishing toss TriangleJudgement. Unlike in Kingdom Hearts, Sora doesn't gain temporary invincibility while using Strike Raid.
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Infinity A Limit Command that can be unleashed by pressing Triangle after an aerial combo.
MP Cost: 80
Infinity hits seven times, then can enact one of three finishers:
  • TriangleShoot: Shoots a few arrows that hone in on enemies.
  • TriangleImpact: Shoots some arrows that hone in on enemies.
  • TriangleGiga Impact: Shoots many arrows that hone in on enemies.

The Reaction Command cycles through the three finishers (Shoot->Impact->Giga Impact->Shoot) really quickly. Timing the Triangle press for Giga Impact for maximum damage is key. Unlike in Kingdom Hearts, Sora doesn't gain temporary invincibility while using Infinity.

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Zantetsuken Unleashes a finishing combo move on a single target. This powerful attack can instantly eliminate weaker enemies.
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Ripple Drive Unleashes a finishing combo move when surrounded. Damage dealt is relative to magic skill
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Hurricane Period Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move consisting of an aerial barrage.
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Zantetsu Counter Unleashes Zantetsuken by selecting Attack while guarding.
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Reflect Combo Blocks enemy attacks with Guard by pressing Square during a combo.
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Guard Blocks and shoots back enemy attacks using a parrying action with Square. The animation for Guard differs than normal, and is reminiscent of Sora's guard animation from Kingdom Hearts.
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Slapshot Rapidly attacks a nearby target without getting flung back.
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Slide Dash Instantly closes in on and attacks a far target.
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Aerial Sweep Unleashes a powerful leaping attack on targets in midair.
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Dodge Roll Dodge enemy attacks by tilting the left stick and pressing Square. More efficient at higher Levels.
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HP Gain Restores Sora's HP when a Limit Command Lands.
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Draw Draws in and obtain nearby orbs. Equip more to increase the effect.
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Lucky Lucky Will bring luck by increasing the drop rate of items. Equip the whole Party to further increase the drop rate. If no other Lucky Lucky abilities are equipped, drop rate for items in Limit Form is increased by x1.5.
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MP Rage Restores MP relative to the amount of damage taken. Equip more to increase the effect.
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MP Haste Increases MP restoration speed by 25% after MP is fully consumed. Equip more to increase the effect. It takes about 40 seconds to restore Sora's MP completely.

Leveling[edit | edit source]

For each limit command finishing move unleashed in Limit Form, 1 point of experience is gained.

LV Unlocked Standard Form Limit Form
Level 2 3 finishing moves Auto Limit Form Gauge +1
Level 3 6 finishing moves Dodge Roll LV 1 Dodge Roll LV 2
Form Gauge +1
Level 4 12 finishing moves Draw Form Gauge +1
Level 5 19 finishing moves Dodge Roll LV 2 Dodge Roll LV 3
Form Gauge +1
Level 6 23 finishing moves Lucky Lucky Form Gauge +1
Level 7 37 finishing moves Dodge Roll LV 3 Dodge Roll MAX
Form Gauge +1

Grinding Strategies[edit | edit source]

An early spot to level Limit Form is during the Battle of 1000 Heartless in Hollow Bastion. The high amount of enemies will cause Sora's Drive Gauge to refill quickly, making it possible to activate Limit Form several times during the fight.

The best place to level Limit Form is after Sora's second visit to Agrabah in The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room, where Mushroom V is located. After activating its minigame, use as many limits on the mushroom as possible before Sora's drive gauge depletes to zero. Sonic Rave is the most recommended Limit to use because of it's shorter casting time, and low MP Cost, enabling Sora to use it three times at Maximum MP before MP is depleted. When the drive gauge has almost run out, head to the Chasm of Challenges Save Point to exit to the world map to refill Sora's gauge completely. After the Battle of 1000 Heartless, Mushroom V will become unavailable until after Genie-Jafar is defeated.

Recommended Equipment[edit | edit source]

Unlike other Drive Forms, Limit Form only allows for Sora's primary Keyblade to be used, with no secondary Keyblade available.

  • Rumbling Rose has a high Strength stat of 5, with Finishing Plus, allowing an extra Zantetsuken or Ripple Drive finisher.
  • Decisive Pumpkin has the highest Strength Stat of 6, with Combo Boost, allowing for more damage during an entire combo and Zantetsuken and Ripple Drive finishers. This is the Keyblade recommended for maximum damage to a single enemy.
  • Oathkeeper with its ability Form Boost helps keep Limit Form active longer, and has a high magic stat of 3, powering up Ripple Drive and Infinity.
  • Sweet Memories, Bond of Flame, Two Become One, and Ultima Weapon have a higher Magic stat of 4, powering up Ripple Drive and Infinity.
    • Note that Two Become One has the ability Light & Darkness, which prevents Limit Form from being activated initially.
    • Ultima Weapon also has the highest Strength stat of 6, and MP Hastega, allowing for more limits during Limit Form's duration.
  • Fatal Crest has the highest Magic stat of 5, but will cause powerful abilities like Zantetsuken and Ripple Drive unusable during MP Charge.

Other Appearances[edit | edit source]

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit | edit source]

"KINGDOM HEARTS II (2005) This form allows Sora to use actions such as Dodge Roll.[1]"

In Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χ, Sora in his Limit Form attire appears as a couple of medals titled "Limit Form Sora" and "HD Limit Form Sora".

Limit Form Sora 3★ KHUX.png
Limit Form Sora
Deals 6 moderately powerful hits.
Limit Form Sora 4★ KHUX.png
Limit Form Sora
Deals 6 moderately powerful hits.
Limit Form Sora 5★ KHUX.png
Limit Form Sora
Deals 6 moderately powerful hits.
HD Limit Form Sora 6★ KHUX.png
HD Limit Form Sora
Deals 5 hits. Raises M-STR by 3 tiers for 2 turns. Inflicts more damage the bigger your party.
Limit Form Sora 6★ KHUX.png
Limit Form Sora
Deals 7 moderately powerful hits.
HD Limit Form Sora 7★ KHUX.png
HD Limit Form Sora
Deals 5 hits. 2 turns: ↑ U-STR & M-STR by 3. Inflicts more damage the bigger your party.
Limit Form Sora 7★ KHUX.png
Limit Form Sora
Deals 7 moderately powerful hits.

Video Breakdown[edit | edit source]

Drive Form Breakdown: Limit Form by BioRoxas

Notes and References[edit | edit source]

  1. Mislabeled in-game. Should read: KINGDOM HEARTS II FINAL MIX (2007)
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