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Valor Form

From Kingdom Hearts Database
"An image of you utilizing your strength to its fullest flows into your mind."
Yen Sid's mirror
Sora (Valor Form) Lead Image KHII.png

Valor Form (ブレイヴフォーム Bureivu Fōmu?, lit. "Brave Form") is the first of Sora's Drive Forms in Kingdom Hearts II, which specializes in physical attacks. Sora gains Valor Form from Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather in the Mysterious Tower after waking up in Twilight Town.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

In most worlds, Valor Form makes Sora's clothes turn red and a Fluer-de-lis decorates the sleeves and front of the pants. Red electricity zaps around Sora's hands and, while running, red flakes of light fly off of his hands and fly behind him as he runs. Sora shifts his weight to his toes, and taps his heel when not in motion. He also slightly bends forward at the waist, and down at the knees. He holds his primary Keyblade in his right hand behind him across his shoulders, and holds his secondary Keyblade in his left hand at his right side. When walking, he shuffles sideways. When running, he bends lower at the waist. Unlike his usual form, his stature isn't dependent on whether or not enemies are present.

In Halloween Town, Sora's clothes remain unchanged but the pumpkin mask turns into a red bomb enemy design combined with a fleur-de-lis.

In Christmas Town, the back of Sora's coat, and the Santa hat gain a red Fluer-de-lis. [KH II FM]

In Space Paranoids, Sora's circuit lights glow red instead of blue.

In Timeless River, Sora doesn't change appearance, but his health icon gains a red tint.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

"With Goofy's help, use the Drive Command to change into Valor Form."

In Valor Form, Sora has the ability to wield two Keyblades, run/jump 1.5x faster and jump 1.3-3.2x higher than in his original form. Using this Drive Form costs 3 Drive Gauges and the use of Goofy until Sora has reverted back to his original form. If Goofy is unconscious, not in the party, or both, Valor Form will be unusable--with the exception of the Cerberus Cup, Cerberus Paradox Cup, and rounds 31-40 of the Hades Paradox Cup. Magic is unusable during Valor Form's duration, so healing is limited to items, save points and relying on party members. Sora gains 1 point toward Antiform every time he transforms into Valor Form, and his points restart at 0 when Valor Form is first obtained.

Combos[edit | edit source]

Sora's Ground Combo consists of three possible attacks before the finisher:
Ground Combo 1 (Valor Form) KHII.gif The first type of attack is a two-hit combo, consisting of Sora swinging his first Keyblade right horizontally, followed by swinging his second Keyblade down vertically.
Sora will always start his combos with this attack unless there is a small or too large of a distance between Sora and the enemy.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.5→x0.65 0.6→0.78
Can be
Can be
Finisher? F→T

Ground Combo 2 (Valor Form) KHII.gif The second type of attack has Sora swing his Keyblades parallel horizontally.
Sora will flip the Keyblade in his left hand backwards while preforming this attack, and then flip it forward again before his next attack. If the enemies are a medium distance away, he will dash forward and damage any enemies in his way.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.5→x0.25→x0.5 0.6→0.3→0.6
Can be
Can be
Finisher? F→T→T

Ground Combo 3 (Valor Form) KHII.gif The third type of attack has Sora slash his Keyblades horizontally, starting with the Keyblade in his left hand, followed by the Keyblade in his right. Then Sora slashes at enemies in front of him by crossing the Keyblades horizontally, then quickly uncrossing them.
This attack only happens if Sora is surrounded by multiple enemies.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.5 0.3
Can be
Can be
Finisher? F→T→T→T

Using the Combo Plus abilities allows Sora to cycle through the first, second, or third attacks alternately, depending on if there are multiple enemies being targeted, and how far away enemies are.
If there is a single enemy, using a Finishing Plus ability allows Sora to add Brave Beat to the end of his combo. Then adding multiple Finishing Plus abilities results in Sora using Sonic Strike, then Sonic End.
If there are multiple enemies, using a Finishing Plus ability allows Sora to add Sonic Strike to the end of his combo. Then adding multiple Finishing Plus abilities results in Sora alternating between Sonic End and Sonic Strike until the combo is completed.

Sora's Aerial Combo consists of two possible attacks before the finisher:
Air Combo 1 (Valor Form) KHII.gif The first type of attack is a two-hit combo, consisting of Sora swinging his first Keyblade upward, followed by swinging his second Keyblade downward.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.65 0.78
Can be
Can be
Finisher? F→T

Air Combo 2 (Valor Form) KHII.gif The second part is another two-hit combo consisting of Sora swinging his first Keyblade up vertically, followed by swinging his second Keyblade down vertically.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.5 0.6
Can be
Can be
Finisher? F→T→T

Using the Combo Plus abilities allows Sora to cycle between the two attacks. Note that Valor Form already comes with a air combo plus ability, meaning the first attack will happen twice without a negative combo ability.
If there is a single enemy, using a Finishing Plus ability allows Sora to add Sonic End to the end of his combo. Then adding multiple Finishing Plus abilities results in Sora alternating between Sonic Strike and Sonic End until the combo is completed.
If there are multiple enemies, using a Finishing Plus ability allows Sora to add Sonic Strike to the end of his combo. Then adding multiple Finishing Plus abilities results in Sora alternating between Sonic End and Sonic Strike until the combo is completed.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Visual Ability Description Stats Notes
Brave Shot (Valor Form) KHII.gif Brave Shot:
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move and knocks a single target off aits feet.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x1.5 1.8
Can be
Can be
Finisher? T
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x1.5 1.8
Can be
Can be
Finisher? T
Brave Beat (Valor Form) KHII.gif Brave Beat:
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that successively attack several targets at once.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value




Can be
Can be
Finisher? T

Sonic Strike (Valor Form) KHII.gif Sonic Strike:
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that pierces through a single target.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value




Can be
Can be
Finisher? T
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x2.5 3.0
Can be
Can be
Finisher? T
Sonic End (Valor Form) KHII.gif Sonic End:
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move in a rapid midair attack to several targets at once.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value




Can be
Can be
Finisher? T

Over the Horizon (Valor Form) KHII.gif Over the Horizon:
Leaps towards a target in a rapid attack with Square.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.65 0.78
Can be
Can be
Finisher? F→T

Causes Sora to become airborne. Separate from air combos.
Omega Finale (Valor Form) KHII.gif Omega Finale:
Deals finishing combo moves in the middle of a combo with Square.
Ends a ground combo early with one Brave Shot, or an air combo early with one Sonic Strike, regardless of how many Finishing Plus abilities are equipped. Cannot end combos early with Brave Beat or Sonic End.
Retaliating Slash (Valor Form) KHII.gif Retaliating Slash:
When knocked down, quickly regains balance and counterattacks with Square.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.5 0.6
Can be
Can be
Finisher? F→F→T

High Jump MAX (Valor Form) KHII.gif High Jump:
The longer Circle is pressed down, the higher the jump.
Causes Sora to do a back flip.
Synch Blade (Valor Form) KHII.gif Synch Blade:
Equips a Keyblade in each hand. The ability of the left hand weapon becomes available as well.
Combo Plus (Valor Form) KHII.gif Combo Plus:
Increases maximum combo by 1 when on the ground. Equip more to enable more combos.
Air Combo Plus (Valor Form) KHII.gif Air Combo Plus:
Increases maximum combo by 1 when in midair. Equip more to enable more combos.

Leveling[edit | edit source]

For each attack dealt to the enemy in Valor Form, 1 point of experience is gained. This means that enemies that can take a lot of hits, such as bosses, Morning Stars, Crimson Jazzes, and invulnerable Undead Pirates, are the best targets for Valor Form. Attacking environmental objects won't count toward leveling Valor Form. In the original, Japanese version of the PlayStation 2 release of Kingdom Hearts II, if Sora hit enemies with the skateboard while in Valor Form, then those hits would count toward levelling Valor Form. However, this feature was removed in all future releases.

Form LV Unlocked Standard Form Valor Form
Level 2 80 more hits Auto Valor Form Gauge +1
Level 3 160 more hits High Jump LV 1 High Jump LV 2
Form Gauge +1
Level 4 Wisdom Form obtained
+ 280 more hits
Combo Plus Form Gauge +1
Level 5 Limit Form obtained
+ 448 more hits
High Jump LV 2 High Jump LV 3
Form Gauge +1
Level 6 Master Form obtained
+ 560 more hits
Combo Plus Form Gauge +1
Level 7 Final Form obtained
+ 672 more hits
High Jump LV 3 High Jump MAX
Form Gauge +1
Form LV Unlocked Standard Form Valor Form
Level 2 100 more hits Auto Valor Form Gauge +1
Level 3 300 more hits High Jump LV 1 High Jump LV 2
Form Gauge +1
Level 4 Wisdom Form obtained
+ 360 more hits
Combo Plus Form Gauge +1
Level 5 Master Form obtained
+ 450 more hits
High Jump LV 2 High Jump LV 3
Form Gauge +1
Level 6 Final Form obtained
+ 540 more hits
Combo Plus Form Gauge +1
Level 7 Final Form obtained
+ 750 more hits
High Jump LV 3 High Jump MAX
Form Gauge +1

Grinding Strategies[edit | edit source]

While early in the game, the best place to go to level is in the Village Cave in the Land of Dragons. There is an Assult Rider with a few Rapid Thrusters in the cave. After defeating the Assault Rider, leave the Village Cave and head to the nearest Save Point to exit to the world map and restore Sora's gauge before it depletes.

Using Valor Form on early game bosses such as Shan-Yu, Hydra, Thresholder, Shadow Stalker, Dark Thorn, and Timeless River Pete, can both assist with defeating the bosses, but also get a large number of hits to level up Valor Form. Using the Delete Reaction Command on MCP also counts as a large number of hits to level up Valor Form.

During the first visit to Port Royal, you can trap two Undead Pirates in a shaded corner in Isla de Muerta:Cave Mouth near the room transition to Isla de Muerta:Rock Face. Since the shade prevents the pirates from taking damage, you can keep performing combos on them until Sora's drive gauge is almost depleted. When the drive gauge is close to depletion, head to the Isla de Muerta:Rock Face Save Point to exit to the world map to refill Sora's gauge completely.

Later in the game, enemies with higher HP, such as the Crimson Jazz and Morning Star heartless, which also drop lots of Drive Orbs, are good to use to level Valor Form.

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix has an additional strategy. After Sora's first visit to Agrabah, the best place to go is the The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room where Mushroom V is located. After activating its minigame, get as many hits on the mushroom as possible before Sora's drive gauge depletes to zero. When the drive gauge has almost run out, head to the Chasm of Challenges Save Point to exit to the world map to refill Sora's gauge completely. After the Battle of 1000 Heartless, Mushroom V will become unavailable until after Genie-Jafar is defeated.

Recommended Equipment[edit | edit source]

  • Kingdom Key and Sweet Memories help with getting a larger number of hits on big enemies because of their low strength. In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Sweet Memories converts munny into drive orbs, which can also help keep Sora in Valor Form longer.
  • Sleeping Lion and Star Seeker add one hit to Sora's ground and air combos respectively, which can stagger some enemies and get a higher number of less powerful hits in before the finisher.
  • Oathkeeper with its ability Form Boost helps keep Valor Form active longer.

Other Appearances[edit | edit source]

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit | edit source]

"KINGDOM HEARTS II (2005)This form boosts Sora's strength and lets him wield two Keyblades."

In Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χ, Sora in his Valor Form attire appears as a couple of medals titled "Valor Form Sora" and "HD Valor Form Sora".

Valor Form Sora 3★ KHUX.png
Valor Form Sora
"Inflicts more damage to poisoned targets."
Valor Form Sora 4★ KHUX.png
Valor Form Sora
"Inflicts more damage to poisoned targets."
Valor Form Sora 5★ KHUX.png
Valor Form Sora
"Inflicts more damage to poisoned targets."
HD Valor Form Sora 6★ KHUX.png
HD Valor Form Sora
"Deals 5 hits. Raises P-STR by 3 tiers for 2 turns. Inflicts more damage the bigger your party."
Valor Form Sora 6★ KHUX.png
Valor Form Sora
"Deals 2 hits. Inflicts more damage to poisoned targets."
HD Valor Form Sora 7★ KHUX.png
HD Valor Form Sora
"Deals 5 hits. 2 turns: ↑ U-STR & P-STR by 3. Inflicts more damage the bigger your party."
Valor Form Sora 7★ KHUX.png
Valor Form Sora
"Deals 2 hits. Inflicts more damage to poisoned targets."

Genie[edit | edit source]

"Sonic continuously attacks close enemies in front. Follow it with Rave for big damage. Execute the attacks quickly, or the limit will be canceled!""
Jiminy's Journal, Kingdom Hearts II
Genie (Valor Form) KHII.png

In Kingdom Hearts II, Genie can mimic Sora's Valor Form. In his Valor Form, Genie gains a white turban with a gold gem with a silver outline beneath a blue feather on the front. Below the gem is a blue headband with silver borders. His golden shackles loosen a bit, turn blue, and gain white, buttoned straps at both the top and bottom of the shackle. The shackle is tied by two brown, crossed laces. Genie also dons a blue jacket with short, black, puffy, sleeves. The jacket has two black straps that cross in the middle. These are connected by yellow buttons with silver arrow-shaped boarders that point along the straps. The beginning of Genie's tail also dons a black, puffy sleeve that matches the ones on his arms. The end of his tail turns into a Keyblade-like weapon, which has a fading gradient from Genie's blue tail to a bright gold toward the teeth of the Keyblade. The Keyblade is a long cylinder with a swirly-shaped hilt, brown handle, and teeth in the shape of the magic lamp.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

When in Valor Form, Genie can use an ability called "Sonic Rave". Selecting "Sonic" in the menu causes him to turn into a giant hand, smacking enemies in front of Sora, as Sora flails him around. Using the "Rave" reaction command lets Sora charge at enemies in front of him, while riding on Genie's hand. Genie gains the ability to transform into Valor Form as soon as Sora does.
In Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χ, this form of genie appears as a medal titled "Valor Genie".

Valor Genie 6★ KHUX.png
Valor Genie
"Deals 4 hits. Raises M-STR by 7 tiers for 1 turn. Restores 4 gauges."
Valor Genie 7★ KHUX.png
Valor Genie
"Deals 4 hits. 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 3, M-STR by 7. Fills 4 gauges."

Video Breakdown[edit | edit source]

Drive Form Breakdown: Valor Form by BioRoxas

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