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Final Form

From Kingdom Hearts Database
"An image of the Keyblade unleashing its ultimate power flows into your mind."
Yen Sid's mirror
Sora (Final Form) KHII.png

Final Form (ファイナルフォーム Fainaru Fōmu?) is the final of Sora's Drive Forms in Kingdom Hearts II, which unleashes the Keyblade's true power. Sora gains the ability to obtain Final Form after Sora defeats Roxas at The World that Never Was.

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Unlike obtaining other Drive Forms that are obtained through story progression, Final Form is obtained through gameplay. After defeating Roxas at Memory's Skyscraper in The World that Never Was, there's a (3x)3%[1] (which is 9%) chance that Final Form can be unlocked. This will happen at when trying to enter a different form in battle.

Here's the probability that Sora will turn into Final Form after defeating Roxas:

Times activating Antiform Probability of activating Final Form
0 9%[2]
1 18%
2 27%
3 36%
4 45%
5 54%
6 63%
7 72%
8+ 75%

The probability of unlocking Final Form is 0% when the drive gauge is not at 5 or more. Antiform and, by extension, Final Form, requires that Sora be in combat and that neither of the party members are knocked out.

In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, the Light & Darkness ability is added, which prevents Sora from turning into any form except Antiform or Final Form. As a result, this increases the chances of Final Form appearing when selecting one of the other drive forms, but only until Final Form is unlocked.

Since Antiform only activates, at most, 25% of the time when using another form, it can be difficult to unlock Final Form. There are a couple of methods that make it easier to unlock Final Form than for it to just show up unexpectedly during the game. Keep in mind that the only prerequisites are that Sora must be in combat, and Roxas must be defeated at Memory's Skyscraper.

  • The first is in The World that Never Was, right after Sora defeats Roxas, but before entering The Castle that Never Was. From Brink of Despair, go to Memory's Skyscraper until you encounter enemies. Then, activate Valor Form to run quickly. If Final Form doesn't activate, run back to Brink of Despair where the party members are to refill the Drive Gauge. Then enter back to Memory's Skyscraper and repeat until Final Form is activated.
  • The second is in the Cerberus Cup. When going into any Drive Form, if Final Form doesn't activate, restart the cup; this will both refill the Drive Gauge and revert Sora back to his normal form.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

While in most worlds, Final Form turns Sora's clothes turn white and a white wave decorates the sleeves and front of the pants. Sora hovers above the ground, and two fading whisps float around Sora while his Keyblades hover and spin crossed behind him. His clothes also pulse with a white glow regardless of what world he is in. When moving, Sora leans slightly forward.

When jumping, Sora does a front flip while he uses his hands to guide his Keyblades underneath him as he ascends, until he crosses his arms. They spin around him interlocked at the hilt below his hands, and toward his feet until the height of his jump. At the height of his jump, Sora uncrosses his arms and the Keyblades break apart as they continue to spin around him. During his decent, he grabs the handles of his Keyblades, throws them downward, and they return crossed behind him like wings as he crosses his arms yet again. When he lands, his Keyblades sweep the ground around him as he spins once counterclockwise.

While hovering, Sora slowly descends to the ground, and holds his arms out at his sides while his Keyblades spin slowly parallel to each other in front of him.

While gliding, Sora is parallel to the ground as his Keyblades spin in front of him; he slowly descends closer to the ground in lower-levelled forms of Glide.

In Halloween Town, Sora's clothes remain unchanged aside from gaining the white pulsing glow and the pumpkin mask, which turns into a crown.

In Christmas Town, Sora's Santa hat gains a white wave, while the back of Sora's jacket gains two white waves shaped like wings. [KH II FM]

In Space Paranoids, the panels on Sora's outfit are white instead of black, and the blue circuit lights turn black.

In Timeless River, Sora doesn't change appearance, but his health icon gains a white tint.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

In Final Form, Sora has the ability to wield two Keyblades, and float across the ground, which is faster than running in his original form. His ground combo consists of three parts:

  • The first part has Sora spin counterclockwise while his Keyblades hit around him diagonally in an x.
  • The second part has Sora spin clockwise while his Keyblades hit around him diagonally in an x, then has his Keyblades move back and forth in front of him, striking any enemies in his way.
  • The third part is a finisher. If enemies surround Sora, he performs Final Arts. If there is only a single enemy, he performs Final Arcana.
    • Using the Combo Plus abilities allows Sora to repeat the first two parts of the combo.
    • If there is a single enemy, using a Finishing Plus ability allows Sora to add Final Arts to the end of his combo. Then adding multiple Finishing Plus abilities results in Sora alternating between Final Strike and Final Arts until the combo is completed.
    • If there are multiple enemies, using a Finishing Plus ability allows Sora to add Final Strike to the end of his combo. Then adding multiple Finishing Plus abilities results in Sora alternating between Final Arts and Final Strike until the combo is completed.

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His aerial combo consists of three parts:

  • The first part causes Sora to spin in a forward diagonal motion while swinging his Keyblades beside him.
  • The second part makes Sora spin and swing his Keyblades counterclockwise then strike his Keyblades upward in an x.
  • The third part is the finisher Final Strike.
  • Using the Combo Plus abilities allows Sora to repeat the first two parts of the combo.
  • Using a Finishing Plus ability allows Sora to interrupt Final Strike after the second part to perform Final Arts.
  • Using a second Finishing Plus ability allows Sora to do a complete, additional Final Strike after Final Arts.

Magic is powered up through the ability Crime & Punishment. Cure magic is unaffected, but the rest of Magic is changed.

  • Fire: Three stacked rings surround Sora as his Keyblades spin around the bottom ring and are also set ablaze. Size depends on the level of Fire.
    • As a combo finisher: Three stacked rings surround Sora while the bottom most one consists of six large fireballs.
  • Blizzard: Two large ice crystals are shot together as Sora is propelled slightly backward. Size depends on the level of Blizzard.
    • As a combo finisher: Four alternating large ice crystals are shot, then two large ice crystals are shot side by side as Sora is propelled backward.
  • Thunder: Three large bolts of lightning rain down on the enemy in a triangle formation.
    • As a combo finisher: Eight large bolts of lightning rain down on the enemy surrounding Sora.
  • Magnet: Same as normal Magnet, but it doesn't last as long, and Sora cannot do anything while his Keyblades spin inside the magnet. Magnet can also draw in HP orbs, MP orbs, Drive orbs, and Munny.
  • Reflect: Same as normal Reflect, but Sora holds his hands together, lifting them upward while his Keyblades spin around him, hitting surrounding enemies.
    • As a combo finisher: Mechanically the same as a regular Reflect, but Sora performs a windmill and the Keyblades spinning around him go farther.

Using this Drive Form costs 5 Drive Gauges and the use of two party members until Sora has reverted back to his original form. If a party member is unconscious or there aren't two party members in the party, Final Form will be unusable--with the exception of the Cerberus Cup, Cerberus Paradox Cup, and rounds 31-40 of the Hades Paradox Cup. With no Guard ability, blocking is limited to Reflect magic, and various movement with the help of Auto Assault. Like all other Drive Forms, Final Form's abilities cannot be unequipped, all action and movement abilities do not carry over to Final Form. Sora loses 10 points toward Antiform every time he transforms into Final Form.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Visual Ability Description Stats Notes
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Final Arcana:
Handling the Keyblade with great skill, unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to a single target.
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Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.2 0.3
Can be
Can be
Finisher? T
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.5 0.6
Can be
Can be
Finisher? T
Sora spins with the Keyblades before he hurls them toward the target as they spin and then bash at each other three times before returning to his back.

Due to being succeeded by Final Arts, which causes Sora to become airborne, using Finishing Plus abilities won't cause Final Arcana to occur more than once per combo.

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Final Strike:
While spinning in midair, deals a powerful finishing combo move to a single target.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.2 0.24
Can be
Can be
Finisher? T
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.25 0.3
Can be
Can be
Finisher? T
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.5 0.6
Can be
Can be
Finisher? T
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x1.0 1.2
Can be
Can be
Finisher? T

Final Strike consists of three parts:

  • Sora spins his Keyblades handle-to-handle parallel to him clockwise.
  • Then Sora brings his Keyblades to his sides while he turns counterclockwise as his Keyblades move up and down rapidly while they rotate around him.
  • Then Sora does a couple of backflips while his Keyblades attach to his shoes until he grabs them and spins like a drill downward.
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Final Arts:
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to get rid of several targets at once.
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Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.33 0.38
Can be
Can be
Finisher? T
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x0.5 0.6
Can be
Can be
Finisher? T
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Power Multiplier Form Value
x1.0 1.2
Can be
Can be
Finisher? T
Final Arts makes Sora's Keyblades spin in a spiral outward from his body. Then Sora zips around in that circle, hitting enemies within it, until the Keyblades spiral back to the center where Sora catches them.

This causes Sora to become airborne. Final Arts can interrupt the second portion of Final Arcana at any point, and must interrupt third portion of Final Strike before it occurs.

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Auto Assault:
The Keyblade automatically unleashes attacks in various situations.
  • Jumping: The Keyblades attack as they twirl around Sora as he rises, and snap in front of Sora as he falls.
  • Gliding: The Keyblades spin in front of Sora as he glides.
  • Hovering: The Keyblades spin slowly parallel to each other in front of Sora.
  • Fire: The Keyblades spin and surround Sora in tandem with Fire.
  • Reflect: The Keyblades spin and surround Sora.
  • Landing: The Keyblades sweep the ground in front of Sora.
  • Getting Air-tossed: The Keyblades spin toward the enemy, then back toward Sora.
  • Using an item: The Keyblades spin upward around Sora.
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Crime & Punishment:
A Keyblade held in each hand unleashes powerful magic spells.
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Mobile Action:
Actions will be enabled while moving.
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Press Square in midair to ride the wind at extreme speed. Keep the button pressed down for longer action.
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Synch Blade:
Equips a Keyblade in each hand. The ability of the left hand weapon becomes available as well.
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MP Haste:
Increases MP restoration speed by 25% after MP is fully consumed. Equip more to increase the effect.
It takes about 40 seconds to restore Sora's MP completely.

Leveling[edit | edit source]

For each Nobody defeated in Final Form, 1 point of experience is gained. This means areas with many weaker Nobodies such as Creepers and Dusks are best for leveling.

Form LV Unlocked Standard Form Final Form
Level 2 12 more Nobodies defeated Auto Final Form Gauge +1
Level 3 24 more Nobodies defeated Glide LV 1 Glide LV 2
Form Gauge +1
Level 4 48 more Nobodies defeated Form Boost Form Gauge +1
Level 5 76 more Nobodies defeated Glide LV 2 Glide LV 3
Form Gauge +1
Level 6 133 more Nobodies defeated Form Boost Form Gauge +1
Level 7 157 more Nobodies defeated Glide LV 3 Glide MAX
Form Gauge +1
Form LV Unlocked Standard Form Final Form
Level 2 20 more Nobodies defeated Auto Final Form Gauge +1
Level 3 60 more Nobodies defeated Glide LV 1 Glide LV 2
Form Gauge +1
Level 4 72 more Nobodies defeated Form Boost Form Gauge +1
Level 5 90 more Nobodies defeated Glide LV 2 Glide LV 3
Form Gauge +1
Level 6 108 more Nobodies defeated Form Boost Form Gauge +1
Level 7 150 more Nobodies defeated Glide LV 3 Glide MAX
Form Gauge +1

Grinding Strategies[edit | edit source]

In Kingdom Hearts II, the best place to level Final Form is in Naught's Skyway, right after defeating Xigbar and before heading to the second level of Hall of Empty Melodies. From the Save point in Twilight's View, head straight into Naught's Skyway. Activate Final Form after spawning the two Samurai and three Creepers right in front of the door. After using the burst damage from Final Forms activation, finish off the enemies there with magic, then head up the first ramp. In between the first and second ramp a bunch of Creepers should flock toward you. Use either Fire or Thunder to disperse the masses quickly and efficiently. While Magnet can draw in enemies to Sora, it has a high MP cost, and the Creepers will naturally flock to Sora, so using Magnet isn't recommended. Once the Drive Gauge gets close to depletion, head back to the first floor of Hall of Empty Melodies, where the party will be walking around, and your Drive Gauge will be restored as long as you haven't advanced beyond Naught's Skyway. After the all Creepers have been destroyed, head back to Twilight's View to use the Save Point to exit and reenter the world and repeat the process until Final Form is completely maxed out. If the story has advanced beyond Hall of Empty Melodies, using either the Save Point in Proof of Existence or Twilight's View to restore the Drive Gauge is recommended.

In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, the above method only works after fighting Xemnas at Memory's Skyscraper. So, instead of the Hall of Empty Melodies being used, the Save Point in Twilight's View or Proof of Existence will have to be used instead.

Another place to level up Final Form is in Twilight Town's Mansion or Mysterious Tower, using the Save Points in White Room and Tower: Entryway respectively.

Recommended Equipment[edit | edit source]

Other Appearances[edit | edit source]

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit | edit source]

"KINGDOM HEARTS II (2005) This ultimate form increases all of Sora's attributes."

In Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χ, Sora in his Final Form attire appears as a couple of medals titled "Final Form Sora" and "HD Final Form Sora".

Final Form Sora 5★ KHUX.png
Final Form Sora
Deals 4 hits. Inflicts damage in exchange for HP.
HD Final Form Sora 6★ KHUX.png
HD Final Form Sora
Deals 8 hits. Raises Upright STR by 1 tier, lowers targets' DEF by 3 tiers for 1 turn. Inflicts more damage in slot 5.
Final Form Sora 6★ KHUX.png
Final Form Sora
Deals 4 hits. Inflicts damage in exchange for HP.
HD Final Form Sora 7★ KHUX.png
HD Final Form Sora
Deals 8 hits. 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 4, ↓ targets' DEF by 3. Inflicts more damage in slot 5.
Final Form Sora 7★ KHUX.png
Final Form Sora
Deals 4 hits. Inflicts damage in exchange for HP.

Genie[edit | edit source]

"Sora can move while executing Infinity, an attack that unleashes the Keyblade's power, so grab nearby enemies! Execute the attacks quickly, or the limit will be canceled!"
Jiminy's Journal, Kingdom Hearts II
Genie (Final Form) KHII.png

In Kingdom Hearts II, Genie can mimic Sora's Final Form. In his Final Form, Genie gains a white turban with a blue gem with a gray outline beneath a yellow feather on the front. Below the gem is a white headband with black borders. His golden shackles loosen a bit, turn white, and gain black, buttoned straps at both the top and bottom of the shackle. The shackle is tied by two black, crossed laces. Genie also dons a white jacket with short, puffy, black and white-striped sleeves. The jacket has two gray straps that cross in the middle. These are connected by blue buttons with silver arrow-shaped boarders that point along the straps. The beginning of Genie's tail also dons a black, puffy sleeve that matches the ones on his arms. The end of his tail turns into a Keyblade-like weapon, which has a fading gradient from Genie's white tail to a bright gold toward the teeth of the Keyblade. The Keyblade is a long cylinder with a swirly-shaped hilt, brown handle, and teeth in the shape of the magic lamp.

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When in Final Form, Genie can use an ability called "Infinity". Selecting "Infinity" in the menu causes Genie to enlarge and swing his fists in front of him while Sora's Keyblades swing around Genie. Then Genie flies in a circle as Sora's Keyblades continue to swing. Using the "Impact" reaction command makes Genie countdown from three with his hands until a bunch of little explosions fill the surrounding area. While Genie is doing this, Sora raises his Keyblade as Genie's Keyblade-esque tail spins in front of it like a timer in tandem with Genie's countdown. When the explosions occur, Sora and Genie cover their ears. Sora disappears for the duration of "Arcana", but reappears during "Impact". Sora is invincible during the entire duration of the Limit. In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, if Sora has a Crown equipped, a graphical glitch will occurs where the Crown won't disappear during "Arcana", even though Sora himself does. Genie gains the ability to transform into Final Form as soon as Sora does.

Videos[edit | edit source]

Drive Form Breakdown: Final Form by BioRoxas ft. Soralaam1 Crown Glitch

Notes and References[edit | edit source]

  1. "X" being the number of times entering Antiform before obtaining Final Form, but after the Roxas fight. Value begins at "1".
  2. This is the default chance of being able to turn into Final Form. See here
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