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From Kingdom Hearts Database
Kingdom Hearts
PlayStation 2 ★ 2002 Flag of Japan.pngFlag of the United States.pngFlag of Canada.pngFlag of European Union.pngFlag of Australia.png
"You never know who you'll run into next."

Sora, Kairi, and Riku are long-time friends, eager for adventure. Curious about the world beyond their own on the Destiny Islands, they build a raft and prepare to set sail. However, just as they're about to leave, a storm changes their plans. Meanwhile, King Mickey mysteriously disappears, and Donald Duck and Goofy set out to find him and the "key". (more...)

Sora Kairi Riku
Donald Duck Goofy King Mickey
Maleficent Ansem Leon
KHFM icon.png
HD1.5 icon.png
HD1.5+2.5 icon.png
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Gameboy Advance ★ 2004 Flag of Japan.pngFlag of the United States.pngFlag of Canada.pngFlag of European Union.pngFlag of Australia.png
"Adventure is in the cards."

After rescuing Kairi and defeating Ansem, Sora, Donald, and Goofy set off to look for Riku and King Mickey. Their search takes them to the mysterious Castle Obvlivion, where they confront a mysterious group of hooded characters, and learn of a long-lost friend of Sora's. Meanwhile, Riku inexplicably awakens in the basement of Castle Oblivion. (more...)

Sora Kairi Riku
Donald Duck Goofy King Mickey
Naminé Marluxia Ansem
RECOM icon.png
HD1.5 icon.png
HD1.5+2.5 icon.png
Kingdom Hearts II
PlayStation 2 ★ 2005 Flag of Japan.pngFlag of the United States.pngFlag of Canada.pngFlag of European Union.pngFlag of Australia.png
"The story is not over."

A young man named Roxas begins to have dreams of a boy with the Keyblade, and an adventure he's never had. As the dreams continue and summer comes to an end, strange things begin to happen in his home in Twilight Town. Later, Sora, Donald, and Goofy awaken in Twilight Town and learn that the worlds are in danger once more from the mysterious Organization XIII and a new enemy: the Nobodies. (more...)

Sora Kairi Riku
Donald Duck Goofy King Mickey
Organization XIII Maleficent Ansem the Wise
KHIIFM icon.png
HD2.5 icon.png
HD1.5+2.5 icon.png
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Nintendo DS ★ 2009 Flag of Japan.pngFlag of the United States.pngFlag of Canada.pngFlag of European Union.pngFlag of Australia.png
"What mattered the most was remembered the least."

Seeking to claim Kingdom Hearts and receive hearts of their own, Organization XIII takes in two new recruits, Roxas and Xion, to collect more hearts. They soon become close friends with another member or the Organization, Axel. However, their friendship is soon strained by the secrets of the Organization, the truth of their origins, and a hooded imposter. Meanwhile, the restoration of Sora's memories has come to a complete halt. (more...)

Roxas Xion Axel
Sora Kairi King Mickey
Organization XIII Naminé Riku
HD1.5 icon.png
HD1.5+2.5 icon.png
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
PlayStation Portable ★ 2010 Flag of Japan.pngFlag of the United States.pngFlag of Canada.pngFlag of European Union.pngFlag of Australia.png
"Three friends. Three destinies. Everything will link back to the beginning."

Terra, Aqua, and Ventus are close friends, training to be Keyblade Masters under Master Eraqus. On the day of the Mark of Mastery Exam, only Aqua passes, while Terra fails. Soon after, a new enemy, the Unversed, threatens the Realm of Light, and another Keyblade master, Master Xehanort, goes missing. Their friendship will be tested as they seek to stop the Unversed and learn more of the mysterious Xehanort, who harbors unknown plans. (more...)

Terra Aqua Ventus
Master Eraqus Master Yen Sid King Mickey
Master Xehanort Vanitas Braig
BBSFM icon.png
HD2.5 icon.png
HD1.5+2.5 icon.png
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Nintendo DS ★ 2010 Flag of Japan.pngFlag of the United States.pngFlag of Canada.pngFlag of European Union.pngFlag of Australia.png
"It's a PLAY-full world!"

Having finally returned home from their journeys, Jiminy Cricket reviews his journals, but finds a line that he didn't write. In order to investigate, King Mickey has the journal digitized, but bugs soon appear through out the digital worlds in the journal. They recruit the only person able to take care of the bugs, the digital version of Sora already inside the journal. (more...)

Data-Sora Donald Duck Goofy
King Mickey Chip and Dale Jiminy Cricket
Riku Maleficent Naminé
Other releases
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HD1.5+2.5 icon.png
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Nintendo 3DS ★ 2012 Flag of Japan.pngFlag of the United States.pngFlag of Canada.pngFlag of European Union.pngFlag of Australia.png
"Darkness becomes light. Light falls into darkness."

In preparation for the inevitable return of Master Xehanort, King Mickey and Master Yen Sid have Sora and Riku take the Mark of Mastery exam. Their task is to awaken seven worlds from the Realm of Sleep and acquire the power of awakening. However, as soon as the exam begins, their is interference from enemies of their past. (more...)

Sora Riku King Mickey
Master Yen Sid Lea Master Xehanort
Xemnas Ansem Maleficent
HD2.8 icon.png
Kingdom Hearts χ
Web Browser ★ 2013 Flag of Japan.png
Long ago, the world was filled with light. The source of light is Kingdom Hearts, and the key that protects it is the χ-blade. However, bright light casts shadows that beget darkness. Darkness brings axiety, fear, and desire. To stop the advancing darkness threatening the world and protect the light, defenders of light use their Keyblades and set off on an adventure across the worlds. (more...)
Keyblade Wielder Chirithy Ephemer
Skuld Ava Ira
Aced Gula Invi
UCX icon.png
XBC icon.png
UXC icon.png
Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
Android • iOS ★ 2015 Flag of Japan.pngFlag of the United States.pngFlag of Canada.pngFlag of European Union.pngFlag of Australia.png
To discover the end, a journey must start at the beginning.

Long ago, the world was filled with light. The source of light is Kingdom Hearts, and the key that protects it is the χ-blade. However, bright light casts shadows that beget darkness. Darkness brings axiety, fear, and desire. Having avoided the terrible Keyblade War, the Dandelions are placed in a new world, where they set off on a new adventure, and begin to relive their lives leading up to the Keyblade War. (more...)

Keyblade Wielder Chirithy Ephemer
Skuld Ava Ira
Aced Gula Invi
XBC icon.png
Continues with
UXC icon.png
Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-
PlayStation 4 ★ 2016 Flag of Japan.pngFlag of the United States.pngFlag of Canada.pngFlag of European Union.pngFlag of Australia.png
Having saved her friends, but trapped in the Realm of Darkness herself, Aqua journeys on, seeking a way out. On her journey in the dark realm, she finds worlds she saved, and apparitions of her friends. Aqua soon learns that the Realm of Light isn't as safe as she thought she'd left it. (more...)
Aqua Terra Ventus
King Mickey Sora Riku
Master Xehanort Master Yen Sid Kairi
Released as part of
HD2.8 icon.png
Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover
PlayStation 4 ★ 2016 Flag of Japan.pngFlag of the United States.pngFlag of Canada.pngFlag of European Union.pngFlag of Australia.png
Long ago, the world was filled with light. The Master of Masters gave a Book of Prophecies to each of his five apprentices, and then vanished, dimmed, and faded without a trace, as does his sixth apprentice. Learning about the foretold destruction of light, the five Foretellers then created Unions and recruited Keyblade wielders to fight the darkness. (more...)
Master of Masters Ava Ira
Aced Invi Gula
Luxu Chirithy Ephemer
Released as part of
HD2.8 icon.png
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
Android • iOS ★ 2017 Flag of Japan.pngFlag of the United States.pngFlag of Canada.pngFlag of European Union.pngFlag of Australia.png
To discover the end, a journey must start at the beginning.

Having avoided the terrible Keyblade War, the new union leaders place the Dandelions in a new world, where they set off on a new adventure, and begin to relive their lives leading up to the Keyblade War. Here, the new union leaders hope the Dandelions will be able to avoid the pains and memories of the Keyblade War. (more...)

Keyblade Wielder Chirithy Ephemer
Skuld Brain Lauriam
Ventus Strelitzia Ava
Other releases
XBC icon.png
Kingdom Hearts III
PlayStation 4 • Xbox One ★ 2019 Flag of Japan.pngFlag of the United States.pngFlag of Canada.pngFlag of European Union.pngFlag of Australia.png
"The ultimate battle for Kingdom Hearts is upon us."

Believing light and darkness must remain in balance, Master Xehanort seeks to spark war against the "tyranny of light" and restore equilibrium. In order to stop Xehanort's plan of doing so by recreating the Keyblade War and forging the χ-blade, Sora, Donald, and Goofy set off on another quest, hoping to gain the Power of Waking. Meanwhile, Riku and King Mickey seek to rescue Aqua from the Realm of Darkness, and Kairi and Lea train to become the newest Keyblade wielders in time for the war. (more...)

Sora Kairi Riku
Donald Duck Goofy King Mickey
Master Xehanort Real Organization XIII Xion
Aqua Roxas Lea
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